This blog has been created to share PubMed search strategies. Search strategies posted here are not perfect. They are posted in the hope that others will benefit from the work already put into their creation and/or will offer suggestions for improvements. Librarians who wish to post comments on this blog or who wish to become authors are invited to e-mail me (Cindy Schmidt). I'm not posting my e-mail address here, but it's easy to find on the web : - ).
Monday, October 26, 2009
COPD keywords
Quality of Life
Keyword search for family members
aunt* OR brother* OR caregiver* OR famil* OR father* OR grandfather* OR grand-father* OR grandmother* OR grand-mother* OR grandparent* OR grand-parent* OR guardian* OR mother* OR parent* OR sibling* OR sister* OR step-father* OR step-mother* OR step-parent* OR twin OR twins OR uncle* OR step-sibling* OR step-sister* OR step-brother*
Keyword Search for Sex / Gender Differences
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Radiography -- keywords
(radiogra* OR radiolog* OR x-ray OR x-rays OR CT[tiab] OR tomogra* OR SPECT OR sonogra* OR ultrasound OR ultrasonogra* OR MRI OR CT[tiab] OR "magnetic resonance" OR absorptiometr* OR angiogra* OR "age determination" OR "age determinations" OR "sex determination" OR "gender determination" OR "sex determinations" OR "gender determinations" OR phlebogra* OR portogra* OR Arthrogra* OR Cineradiogra* OR Cineangiogra* OR Electrokymogra* OR Fluoroscop* OR Photofluorogra* OR Hysterosalpingogra* OR Lymphogra* OR Mammogra* OR Xeromammogra* OR Microradiogra* OR Neuroradiogra* OR Ventriculogra* OR Echoencephalogra* OR echocardiogra* OR Myelogra* OR Pneumoencephalogra* OR Pneumoradiogra* OR Pneumoencephalogra* OR Cholangiogra* OR Cholecystogra* OR Defecogra* OR Portogra* OR Sialogra* OR Bronchogra* OR Urogra* OR Xeroradiogra* OR Xeromammogra* OR (radionuclide AND (scan OR scanned OR scanning OR scans)) OR neuroradiol*)
Forensic -- keywords
(forensic OR medicolegal OR medico-legal OR medical-legal OR coroner* OR "medical examiner" OR "medical examiners" OR “law enforcement” OR FBI OR "federal bureau of investigation" OR CIA OR "central intelligence agency" OR detective* OR jury OR juries OR court OR courts OR prosecut* OR plaintiff* OR judicial OR testimony OR jurisprudence OR legal OR evidentiary OR admissible OR admissibility OR convict OR convicts OR criminal* OR illegal OR unlawful OR victim* OR arson OR arsonist* OR defraud* OR Fraud OR fraudulent OR stolen OR "breaking and entering" OR burgler* OR murderer* OR murder OR murders OR murdered OR murdering OR manslaughter* OR Homicide* OR Infanticide* OR fratricide* OR genocide* OR patricide* OR matricide* OR suicid* OR "Sex Offenses" OR "Sex Offense" OR rape OR rapes OR rapist* OR Child Abuse OR Abuser* OR pedophil* OR paedophil* OR sodomy OR sodomize* OR molest* OR assault* OR Mugger* OR mugged OR brutality OR "intentional injury" OR "intentional injuries" OR wounding OR wounded OR wounds[tiab] OR beating* OR stab OR stabbing OR stabs OR stabbed OR impale* OR "knife wound" OR "knife wounds" OR switchblade* OR gun OR guns OR gunned OR gunning OR gunman OR gunmen OR ballistic* OR bullet OR bullets OR "foreign body" OR "foreign bodies" OR rifle* OR shotgun* OR weapon* OR shooter* OR sniper* OR "blunt trauma" OR "penetrating wound" OR "penetrating wounds" OR “train accident” OR “train accidents” OR “bus accident” OR “bus accidents” OR “truck accident” OR “truck accidents” OR "vehicular accident" OR "vehicular accidents" OR "vehicle accident" OR "vehicle accidents" OR "car accident" OR "car accidents" OR "hit and run" OR "hit-and-run" OR crash OR crashed OR crashes OR crashing OR crush OR crushes OR crushed OR crushing OR asphyxia* OR suffocate* OR smother* OR strangle* OR strangulation* OR hanging* OR lynch*[tiab] OR drown OR drowned OR drowning OR drowns OR electrocut* OR exsanguinat* OR eviscerat* OR decapitat* OR Theft* OR thieve* OR thief OR Violence OR violent OR poison* OR Terrorism OR terrorist* OR bomb OR bombed OR bombing OR bombs OR explosive* OR explosion* OR missile* OR projectile* OR crossbow* OR “cross bow” OR “cross bows” OR spear OR spears OR WMD OR weapon* OR munition* OR artillery OR baton* OR “brass knuckles” OR axe OR ax OR machete* OR battery OR battered OR ligature* OR Torture OR torturer* OR Holocaust OR interred OR disinterred OR exhume OR exhumed OR exhumes OR exhuming OR exhumation* OR putrefaction OR Putrefy OR putrefied OR putrefying OR putrefies OR Adipocere OR "rigor mortis" OR "livor mortis" OR lividity OR saponificat* OR liquefact* OR mummificat* OR mummified )
Death (forensic perspective) -- keywords
(death OR deaths OR die OR died OR dies OR dying OR mortality OR fatal* OR lethal* OR expire* OR succumb* OR decease* OR predecease* OR decedent* OR corpse* OR skeleton* OR post-mortem OR postmortem OR “post mortem” OR post-mortems OR postmortems OR “post mortems” OR autopsy OR autopsies OR autopsied OR autopsying OR morgue* OR coroner* OR "medical examiner" OR "medical examiners" OR diener* OR manslaughter* OR murder OR murders OR murderer* OR Homicide* OR Infanticide* OR fratricide* OR genocide* OR patricide* OR matricide* OR suicide OR suicides OR bury OR buries OR buried OR burying OR interred OR disinterred OR exhume OR exhumed OR exhumes OR exhuming OR exhumation* OR putrefact* OR Putrefy OR putrefied OR putrefying OR putrefies OR adipocere OR "rigor mortis" OR "livor mortis" OR lividity OR saponificat* OR liquefact* OR mummificat* OR mummified )
Nephrology filters
These filters are based on:
Garg AX, Iansavichus AV, Wilczynski NL, Kastner M, Baier LA, Shariff SZ, Rehman F, Weir M, McKibbon KA, Haynes RB. Filtering Medline for a clinical discipline: diagnostic test assessment framework. BMJ. 2009 Sep 18;339:b3435. doi: 10.1136/bmj.b3435. PubMed PMID: 19767336. Available in:
The authors provide these filters at
Optimized for sensitive/broad:
"kidney diseases"[mh] OR "renal replacement therapy"[mh] OR renal[tw] OR kidney*[tw] OR (nephre*[tw] OR nephri*[tw] OR nephroc*[tw] OR nephrog*[tw] OR nephrol*[tw] OR nephron*[tw] OR nephrop*[tw] OR nephros*[tw] OR nephrot*[tw]) OR proteinuria[tw]
Optimized for specific/narrow:
("renal replacement therapy"[majr] OR "kidney diseases"[majr] OR kidney*[ti] OR nephr*[ti] OR renal[ti] OR "kidney"[majr:noexp] OR "renal dialysis"[mh] OR "kidney function tests"[majr] OR "proteinuria"[majr:noexp] OR glomerul*[ti]) NOT ("kidney neoplasms"[majr] OR pyelonephritis[majr:noexp] OR "urinary tract infections"[majr] OR "nephrolithiasis"[majr])
Monday, October 5, 2009
Health Care Workers -- keywords and MeSH
Some of the search terms are not specific for to healthcare. However, when these terms are used in PubMed, most records retrieved concern workers in healthcare institutions. If one uses the statement below and finds that lots of records concerning workers in non-healthcare situtations are being retrieved, one could then create a compound search term that includes the less specific terms, as in
((hospital*[tiab] OR clinic[tiab] OR clinics[tiab] OR inpatient* OR outpatient* OR healthcare OR "health care" OR "longterm care" OR medical ....) AND (worker* OR staff OR personnel[tiab] OR manager* OR administrator* OR supervisor* OR intern* OR interns* OR resident* OR residents* OR technician* OR librarian* OR housekeeper*......))
The compound search term could then be OR'd in with the more specific terms.
(physician*[tiab] OR doctor*[tiab] OR allopath OR allopaths OR osteopath OR osteopaths OR homeopath OR homeopaths OR practitioner* OR specialist* OR generalist* OR "medical student" OR "medical students" OR "house officer" OR "house officers" OR Resident OR residents OR intern[tiab] OR interns[tiab] OR nurse[tiab] OR nurses[tiab] OR "nursing assistant" OR "nursing assistants" OR "nurse aide" OR "nurses aide" OR "nurse aides" OR "nurses aides" OR orderly OR orderlies OR dietician* OR psychologist* OR counselor* OR therapist* OR pharmacist* OR dentist*[tiab] OR hygeinist* OR phlebotomist* OR chiropracter* OR acupuncturist* OR anaesthesiologist* OR anesthesiologist* OR anaesthetist* OR anesthetist* OR perfusionist* OR surgeon*[tiab] OR pediatrician* OR paediatrician* OR obstetrician* OR gynecologist* OR gynaecologist* OR radiologist* OR sonographer* OR cardiologist* OR gastroenterologist* OR hepatologist* OR endocrinologist* OR diabetologist* OR internist* OR hospitalist* OR intensivist* OR rheumatologist* OR immunologist* OR dermatologist* OR allergist* OR otolaryngologist* OR otorhinolaryngologist* OR oncologist* OR hematologist* OR haematologist* OR orthopedist* OR orthopaedist* OR physiatrist* OR podiatrist* OR technician* OR pathologist* OR diener* OR cytologist* OR cytogeneticist* OR geneticist* OR hematopathologist* OR haematopathologist* OR neurologist* OR neurosurgeon* OR ophthalmologist* OR optician* OR urologist* OR nephrologist* OR pulmonologist* OR neonatologist* OR psychiatrist* OR administrator* OR supervisor* OR receptionist* OR personnel[tiab] OR team OR staff OR worker* OR researcher OR researchers OR librarian* OR informationist* OR housekeeper* OR janitor* OR officer* OR responder* OR paramedic* OR laboratorian* OR coordinator* OR navigator* OR manager* OR attendant* OR cashier OR cashiers OR accountant OR accountants OR "Health Personnel"[Mesh] OR "Education, Medical"[Mesh] OR "Students, Health Occupations"[Mesh])
Occupational medicine - MeSH
Sanz-Valero J, Veiga de Cabo J, Rojo-Alonso C, D´Agostino Marcelo J, Wanden-Berghe C, Espulgues Pellicer JX et al . Los filtros metodológicos: aplicación a la búsqueda bibliográfica en la medicina del trabajo española. Med. segur. trab. [online]. 2008 Jun [citado 2009 Sep 22] ; 5 (211): 75-83. Available in:
The strategy is:
"Occupational Health Services"[MAJR] OR "Occupational Health Nursing"[MAJR] OR "Occupational Exposure"[MAJR] OR "Occupational Therapy"[MAJR] OR "Occupational Medicine"[MAJR] OR "Occupational Dentistry"[MAJR] OR "Occupational Diseases"[MAJR] OR "Noise, Occupational"[MAJR] OR "Occupational Health"[MAJR] OR "Occupational Therapy Department, Hospital"[MAJR] OR "Dermatitis, Occupational"[MAJR] OR "Accidents, Occupational"[MAJR] OR "Air Pollutants, Occupational"[MAJR]
Studies on measurement propierties of measurement intruments
Terwee CB, Jansma EP, Riphagen II, de Vet HC. Development of a methodological PubMed search filter for finding studies on measurement properties of measurement instruments. Qual Life Res. 2009 Oct;18(8):1115-23. Epub 2009 Aug 27. PubMed PMID: 19711195; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2744791.
Available in:
Search filters for finding studies on measurement properties.
Filter 1: Sensitive search filter for measurement properties
(instrumentation[sh] OR methods[sh] OR Validation Studies[pt] OR Comparative Study[pt] OR “psychometrics”[MeSH] OR psychometr*[tiab] OR clinimetr*[tw] OR clinometr*[tw] OR “outcome assessment (health care)”[MeSH] OR outcome assessment[tiab] OR outcome measure*[tw] OR “observer variation”[MeSH] OR observer variation[tiab] OR “Health Status Indicators”[Mesh] OR “reproducibility of results”[MeSH] OR reproducib*[tiab] OR “discriminant analysis”[MeSH] OR reliab*[tiab] OR unreliab*[tiab] OR valid*[tiab] OR coefficient[tiab] OR homogeneity[tiab] OR homogeneous[tiab] OR “internal consistency”[tiab] OR (cronbach*[tiab] AND (alpha[tiab] OR alphas[tiab])) OR (item[tiab] AND (correlation*[tiab] OR selection*[tiab] OR reduction*[tiab])) OR agreement[tiab] OR precision[tiab] OR imprecision[tiab] OR “precise values”[tiab] OR test–retest[tiab] OR (test[tiab] AND retest[tiab]) OR (reliab*[tiab] AND (test[tiab] OR retest[tiab])) OR stability[tiab] OR interrater[tiab] OR inter-rater[tiab] OR intrarater[tiab] OR intra-rater[tiab] OR intertester[tiab] OR inter-tester[tiab] OR intratester[tiab] OR intra-tester[tiab] OR interobserver[tiab] OR inter-observer[tiab] OR intraobserver[tiab] OR intra-observer[tiab] OR intertechnician[tiab] OR inter-technician[tiab] OR intratechnician[tiab] OR intra-technician[tiab] OR interexaminer[tiab] OR inter-examiner[tiab] OR intraexaminer[tiab] OR intra-examiner[tiab] OR interassay[tiab] OR inter-assay[tiab] OR intraassay[tiab] OR intra-assay[tiab] OR interindividual[tiab] OR inter-individual[tiab] OR intraindividual[tiab] OR intra-individual[tiab] OR interparticipant[tiab] OR inter-participant[tiab] OR intraparticipant[tiab] OR intra-participant[tiab] OR kappa[tiab] OR kappa’s[tiab] OR kappas[tiab] OR repeatab*[tiab] OR ((replicab*[tiab] OR repeated[tiab]) AND (measure[tiab] OR measures[tiab] OR findings[tiab] OR result[tiab] OR results[tiab] OR test[tiab] OR tests[tiab])) OR generaliza*[tiab] OR generalisa*[tiab] OR concordance[tiab] OR (intraclass[tiab] AND correlation*[tiab]) OR discriminative[tiab] OR “known group”[tiab] OR factor analysis[tiab] OR factor analyses[tiab] OR dimension*[tiab] OR subscale*[tiab] OR (multitrait[tiab] AND scaling[tiab] AND (analysis[tiab] OR analyses[tiab])) OR item discriminant[tiab] OR interscale correlation*[tiab] OR error[tiab] OR errors[tiab] OR “individual variability”[tiab] OR (variability[tiab] AND (analysis[tiab] OR values[tiab])) OR (uncertainty[tiab] AND (measurement[tiab] OR measuring[tiab])) OR “standard error of measurement”[tiab] OR sensitiv*[tiab] OR responsive*[tiab] OR ((minimal[tiab] OR minimally[tiab] OR clinical[tiab] OR clinically[tiab]) AND (important[tiab] OR significant[tiab] OR detectable[tiab]) AND (change[tiab] OR difference[tiab])) OR (small*[tiab] AND (real[tiab] OR detectable[tiab]) AND (change[tiab] OR difference[tiab])) OR meaningful change[tiab] OR “ceiling effect”[tiab] OR “floor effect”[tiab] OR “Item response model”[tiab] OR IRT[tiab] OR Rasch[tiab] OR “Differential item functioning”[tiab] OR DIF[tiab] OR “computer adaptive testing”[tiab] OR “item bank”[tiab] OR “cross-cultural equivalence”[tiab])
Filter 2: Precise search filter for measurement properties
(instrumentation[sh] OR Validation Studies[pt] OR “reproducibility of results”[MeSH Terms] OR reproducib*[tiab] OR “psychometrics”[MeSH] OR psychometr*[tiab] OR clinimetr*[tiab] OR clinometr*[tiab] OR “observer variation”[MeSH] OR observer variation[tiab] OR “discriminant analysis”[MeSH] OR reliab*[tiab] OR valid*[tiab] OR coefficient[tiab] OR “internal consistency”[tiab] OR (cronbach*[tiab] AND (alpha[tiab] OR alphas[tiab])) OR “item correlation”[tiab] OR “item correlations”[tiab] OR “item selection”[tiab] OR “item selections”[tiab] OR “item reduction”[tiab] OR “item reductions”[tiab] OR agreement[tw] OR precision[tw] OR imprecision[tw] OR “precise values”[tw] OR test–retest[tiab] OR (test[tiab] AND retest[tiab]) OR (reliab*[tiab] AND (test[tiab] OR retest[tiab])) OR stability[tiab] OR interrater[tiab] OR inter-rater[tiab] OR intrarater[tiab] OR intra-rater[tiab] OR intertester[tiab] OR inter-tester[tiab] OR intratester[tiab] OR intra-tester[tiab] OR interobserver[tiab] OR inter-observer[tiab] OR intraobserver[tiab] OR intra-observer[tiab] OR intertechnician[tiab] OR inter-technician[tiab] OR intratechnician[tiab] OR intra-technician[tiab] OR interexaminer[tiab] OR inter-examiner[tiab] OR intraexaminer[tiab] OR intra-examiner[tiab] OR interassay[tiab] OR inter-assay[tiab] OR intraassay[tiab] OR intra-assay[tiab] OR interindividual[tiab] OR inter-individual[tiab] OR intraindividual[tiab] OR intra-individual[tiab] OR interparticipant[tiab] OR inter-participant[tiab] OR intraparticipant[tiab] OR intra-participant[tiab] OR kappa[tiab] OR kappa’s[tiab] OR kappas[tiab] OR “coefficient of variation”[tiab] OR repeatab*[tw] OR ((replicab*[tw] OR repeated[tw]) AND (measure[tw] OR measures[tw] OR findings[tw] OR result[tw] OR results[tw] OR test[tw] OR tests[tw])) OR generaliza*[tiab] OR generalisa*[tiab] OR concordance[tiab] OR (intraclass[tiab] AND correlation*[tiab]) OR discriminative[tiab] OR “known group”[tiab] OR “factor analysis”[tiab] OR “factor analyses”[tiab] OR “factor structure”[tiab] OR “factor structures”[tiab] OR dimensionality[tiab] OR subscale*[tiab] OR “multitrait scaling analysis”[tiab] OR “multitrait scaling analyses”[tiab] OR “item discriminant”[tiab]OR “interscale correlation”[tiab] OR “interscale correlations”[tiab] OR ((error[tiab] OR errors[tiab]) AND (measure*[tiab] OR correlat*[tiab] OR evaluat*[tiab] OR accuracy[tiab] OR accurate[tiab] OR precision[tiab] OR mean[tiab])) OR “individual variability”[tiab] OR “interval variability”[tiab] OR “rate variability”[tiab] OR “variability analysis”[tiab] OR (uncertainty[tiab] AND (measurement[tiab] OR measuring[tiab])) OR “standard error of measurement”[tiab] OR sensitiv*[tiab] OR responsive*[tiab] OR (limit[tiab] AND detection[tiab]) OR “minimal detectable concentration”[tiab] OR interpretab*[tiab] OR (small*[tiab] AND (real[tiab] OR detectable[tiab]) AND (change[tiab] OR difference[tiab])) OR “meaningful change”[tiab] OR “minimal important change”[tiab] OR “minimal important difference”[tiab] OR “minimally important change”[tiab] OR “minimally important difference”[tiab] OR “minimal detectable change”[tiab] OR “minimal detectable difference”[tiab] OR “minimally detectable change”[tiab] OR “minimally detectable difference”[tiab] OR “minimal real change”[tiab] OR “minimal real difference”[tiab] OR “minimally real change”[tiab] OR “minimally real difference”[tiab] OR “ceiling effect”[tiab] OR “floor effect”[tiab] OR “Item response model”[tiab] OR IRT[tiab] OR Rasch[tiab] OR “Differential item functioning”[tiab] OR DIF[tiab] OR “computer adaptive testing”[tiab] OR “item bank”[tiab] OR “cross-cultural equivalence”[tiab])
Exclusion filter
(“addresses”[Publication Type] OR “biography”[Publication Type] OR “case reports”[Publication Type] OR “comment”[Publication Type] OR “directory”[Publication Type] OR “editorial”[Publication Type] OR “festschrift”[Publication Type] OR “interview”[Publication Type] OR “lectures”[Publication Type] OR “legal cases”[Publication Type] OR “legislation”[Publication Type] OR “letter”[Publication Type] OR “news”[Publication Type] OR “newspaper article”[Publication Type] OR “patient education handout”[Publication Type] OR “popular works”[Publication Type] OR “congresses”[Publication Type] OR “consensus development conference”[Publication Type] OR “consensus development conference, nih”[Publication Type] OR “practice guideline”[Publication Type]) NOT (“animals”[MeSH Terms] NOT “humans”[MeSH Terms])