This blog has been created to share PubMed search strategies. Search strategies posted here are not perfect. They are posted in the hope that others will benefit from the work already put into their creation and/or will offer suggestions for improvements. Librarians who wish to post comments on this blog or who wish to become authors are invited to e-mail me (Cindy Schmidt). I'm not posting my e-mail address here, but it's easy to find on the web : - ).
Monday, August 8, 2011
radiology/radiation -- keywords
science" OR "radiation technology" OR "radiation
technologist" OR "radiation technologists" OR radiologist* OR
"radiologic technologist" OR "radiologic technology" OR
"radiologic technologists" OR radiology OR radiation OR radiology OR radiologic OR irradiation OR irradiat* OR
isotopes OR isotope OR isotopic OR x-ray OR ultrasound OR sonogra* OR
ultrasonogra* OR CT OR tomogra* OR "nuclear medicine" OR
absorptiometr* OR angiogra* OR arthrogra* OR cineradiogra* OR electrokymogra*
OR fluoroscop* OR hysterosalpingogra* OR lymphogra* OR mammogra* OR xeromammogra*
OR neuroradiogra* OR ventriculogra* OR echoencephalogra* OR myelogra* OR
pneumoencephalogra* OR pneumoradiogra* OR "image enhancement" OR
"digital subtraction" OR "image interpretation" OR
cholangiogra* OR cholecystogra* OR defecogra* OR portogra* OR bitewing* OR
sialogra* OR bronchogra* OR "age determination" OR "age
determinations" OR urogra* OR xeroradiogra* OR ((skeleton* OR skeletal*) AND ("sex
determination" OR "sex determinations")) OR dosimetr* OR
positron OR rad OR rads OR gy OR ionizing OR nonionizing OR "alpha
particles" OR "alpha rays" OR "beta particles" OR
"beta rays" OR "gamma rays" OR x-rays OR terahertz OR