This blog has been created to share PubMed search strategies. Search strategies posted here are not perfect. They are posted in the hope that others will benefit from the work already put into their creation and/or will offer suggestions for improvements. Librarians who wish to post comments on this blog or who wish to become authors are invited to e-mail me (Cindy Schmidt). I'm not posting my e-mail address here, but it's easy to find on the web : - ).
Friday, August 12, 2011
vancomycin -- keywords and MeSH
Vancomycin* OR Vancomicin* OR Vankomycin* OR Vankomysiin* OR Vanco OR
Vankomicin* OR Vankomisin* OR Wankomycyn* OR Balcoran OR Fabomicina OR Icoplax
OR Kovan OR Vamysin OR Vancogram OR Vancomax OR Vanconorth OR Varedet OR
Amplobac OR Biovancomin OR Copovan OR Diatracin OR Edicin OR Estavam OR
Farmaciclin OR Glipep OR Ifavac OR Levovanox OR Lyphocin OR Maxivanil OR Orivan
OR Rivervan OR Vacsol OR Vagran OR Vakocil OR Vamistol OR Vanaurus OR Vancam OR
Vancep OR Vancin OR Vancin* OR Vanclomin OR Vancoabbott OR Vancobehr OR
Vancocid OR Vancocin* OR Vancocina OR Vancocine OR Vancogen OR Vancoled OR
Vancolon OR Vancomabol OR Vancoplus OR Vancor OR Vancorin OR Vancorus OR
Vanco-saar OR Vancosan OR Vancoscand OR Vancoson OR Vancotenk OR Vancotex OR
Vancotrat OR Vancox OR Vanlid OR Vanmicina OR Vanosyn OR Voncon OR Vondem OR
Voxin Vianex OR Zengac OR "Vancomycin"[Mesh] OR "Vancomycin
Resistance"[Mesh] OR "vancomycin B" [Supplementary Concept]