Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Biliary Tract Diseases or Surgeries

Search for articles with a title level focus on biliary tract diseases or surgery.  Not exhaustive.

((biliary[ti] OR bile[ti] OR gallbladder*[ti] OR “gall bladder”[ti] OR gall[ti] OR “common duct”[ti] OR biliopancreatic[ti] OR bilio-pancreatic[ti] OR “cystic duct”[ti] OR “hepatic duct”[ti] OR “hepatic ducts”[ti] OR pancreatobiliary[ti] OR “sphincter of oddi”[ti] OR “ampulla of Vater”[ti] OR choledochal[ti]) AND (polyp[ti] OR polyps[ti] OR polyposis[ti] OR lith*[ti] OR anomal*[ti] OR abnormal*[ti] OR ileus[ti] OR fistula*[ti] OR cannulat*[ti] OR cholangioscop*[ti] OR perforat*[ti] OR  pain[ti] OR painful[ti] OR dyskine*[ti] OR procedure[ti] OR procedures[ti] OR operative[ti] OR leak*[ti] OR colic[ti] OR fibrosis[ti] OR fibroses[ti] OR fibrotic[ti] OR hemorrhag*[ti] OR haemorrhag*[ti] OR malform*[ti] OR prognos*[ti] OR abnormal*[ti] OR therap*[ti] OR complication*[ti] OR sphincterotom*[ti] OR surgical[ti] OR surger*[ti] OR endoscop*[ti] OR stent*[ti] OR drain*[ti] OR abnorm*[ti] OR diseas*[ti] OR condition*[ti] OR cyst[ti] OR cysts[ti] OR cystic[ti] OR diverticul*[ti] OR congenital*[ti] OR inborn*[ti] OR neoplas*[ti] OR tumor[ti] OR tumors[ti] OR tumorous[ti] OR tumour*[ti] OR neoplasm*[ti] OR cancer*[ti] OR carcinom*[ti] OR adenocarcin*[ti] OR lymphom*[ti] OR sarcom*[ti] OR malignan*[ti] OR metasta*[ti] OR inflam*[ti] OR stone*[ti] OR calcul*[ti] OR syndrome*[ti] OR injur*[ti] OR atres*[ti] OR atret*[ti] OR cirrho*[ti] OR reflux[ti] OR obstruct*[ti] OR block*[ti] OR stasis[ti] OR static[ti] OR plugged[ti] OR inspissat*[ti] OR stone*[ti] OR calculus[ti] OR calculi[ti] OR infect*[ti] OR empyema*[ti] OR emphysema*[ti] OR diver*[ti] OR syndrome*[ti] OR bypass*[ti] OR jaundic*[ti]) ) OR cholangit*[ti] OR choledoch*[ti] OR cholecystiti*[ti] OR cholecysto*[ti] OR cholelith*[ti] OR gallstone*[ti] OR caroli[ti] OR caroli's[ti] OR cholesta*[ti] OR alagille*[ti] OR cholesta*[ti] OR Mirizzi*[ti] OR postcholecystect*[ti] OR post-cholecystect*[ti] OR “sump syndrome”[tiab] OR “sump syndromes”[tiab] OR post-choledochostom*[ti] OR cholecystect*[ti] OR choledochostom*[ti] OR choledochoduodeno*[ti] OR postcholedochoduodenostom*[ti] OR choledochoduodenostom*[ti] OR cholangiocarcinoma*[ti] OR cholangiopancreatograph*[ti] OR cholangio-pancreatograph*[ti] OR “limy bile”[ti] OR ((hepatic OR transhepatic[ti] OR transduodenal[ti] ) AND (portoenterostom*[ti] OR sphincterotom* OR papillotom* )) OR "Biliary Tract Surgical Procedures"[Mesh] OR "Biliary Tract Diseases"[Mesh] OR "Biliary Tract/surgery"[Mesh]  OR "Biliary Tract/abnormalities"[Mesh] OR "Biliary Tract/injuries"[Mesh] OR "Biliary Tract/microbiology"[Mesh] OR "Biliary Tract/parasitology"[Mesh] OR "Biliary Tract/pathology"[Mesh] OR "Biliary Tract/pharmacology"[Mesh] OR "Biliary Tract/physiopathology"[Mesh] OR "Biliary Tract/radiation effects"[Mesh] OR "Biliary Tract/therapy"[Mesh] OR "Biliary Fistula"[Mesh] OR “Cholangiopancreatography, Endoscopic Retrograde”[mesh]