Monday, January 3, 2011

Clopidogrel keywords

Clopidogrel* OR PCR-4099 OR PCR4099 OR SR25990C OR “PCR 4099” OR Agrelex OR Antiplaq OR Antiplar OR Areplex OR Atlabiclo OR Ceruvin OR Clentel OR Clodian OR Clodrel OR Cloflow OR Clopact OR Clopidix OR Clopido OR Clopimet OR Clopisan OR Clopivas OR Clopivaz OR Clopivid OR Clopod* OR Clopra OR Clotiz OR Clovax OR Diloxol OR Egitromb OR Eurogrel OR Hemafluid OR Hemopass OR Iscover OR Iskimil OR Karum OR Ketapi OR Klopide OR Klopis OR Lofradyk OR Nabratin OR Nefazan OR Nofardom OR Noklot OR Norplat OR Opirel OR Pingel OR Plagerine OR Plagril OR Planor OR Platexan OR Plavix OR Plavocorin OR Pleyar OR Plogrel OR Rasec OR Sades OR Sildecros OR Ticofarma OR Troken OR Trombex OR Trombonet OR Vasagrin OR Vastec OR Zillt OR Zylagren OR Zyllt

The following hyphenated and mutli-word names for copidogrel were removed because they were not found in PubMed and were causing retrieval of irrelevant results: “SR 25990C” SR-25990C

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