Thursday, December 31, 2015

Myringostomy -- keyword and MeSH

A first stab at this topic:

(myringostom* OR tympanostom*  OR ((grommet OR grommets OR "ventilation tubes" OR "ventilation tube" OR “t-tube” OR “t-tubes” OR “t tube” OR “t tubes”) AND ("middle ear" OR "middle ears" OR tympan*)) OR "Middle Ear Ventilation"[Majr])

Terms for possible complications include:
(atelecta* OR atroph* OR scar* OR myringosclero* OR tympanoscler* OR retract* OR persisten* OR perforat* OR "granulation tissue"  OR extru* OR hearing OR “hearing”[mesh] OR speech OR "persons with hearing impairments"[MeSH Terms] OR deaf * OR longterm OR Long-term OR "long term" OR complicat* OR obstruct* OR Replac* OR remov* OR cholesteatom* OR sequel* OR block* OR otorrhe* OR “prosthesis failure”[mesh] OR “equipment failure”[mesh] OR “recurrence”[mesh] OR "reoperation"[mesh] OR "postoperative complications"[mesh])

Omacetaxine - keywords

(Omacetaxine OR 26833-87-4 OR Ceflatonin OR CGX-635 OR NSC-141633 OR CGX635 OR NSC141633 OR HHT OR Homoharringtonine OR omacetaxina OR omacetaxini OR “Fu Er” OR Synribo)[all]

The following  multi-word names were "not found" by PubMed and were removed as they caused retrieval of irrelevant results:
"CGX 635"
"NSC 141633"
"Chuan Shan Ning"
"Gao Rui Te"
"Hua Pu Le"
"Jin Nuo Xing"
"Sai Lan"

"Wo Ting"

Names for the drug were taken from Martindale's via LexiComp.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

vecuronium -- keywords and MeSH

"Vecuronium Bromide"[Mesh] OR Vecuronium OR 50700-72-6 OR OR vecuron* OR  "Org-NC-45" OR  "Org NC 45" OR  "OrgNC45" OR  Vekuron* OR  Wekuron* OR Galaren OR  Gobbicuronio OR  Norcuron OR  Rivecrum OR  Vecural OR  Vecuron OR Norcuron OR  Vecure OR Alnorcon OR  Norcuron OR  Vecurol OR Neovec OR   Ecron OR   Musculax OR Bromivec OR  Curlem OR  Nodescron OR   Noruvec OR   Muscuron  OR  Norcuron OR Prorelax

multi-part term not found by PubMed:
"Xian Lin"

Atropine -- Mesh and keyword

"Atropine"[Mesh] AND  "Hyoscyamine"[Mesh] OR Atropine OR 51-55-8 OR Hiosciamin* OR  Hyoscyamin* OR  Atropiini* OR  Atropin* OR  Endotropina OR  Klonatropina OR Atropt OR Stellatropine OR Atropion OR  Santropina OR  Sulfatina OR Atropisol OR  Genatropine OR  Vitatropine OR Atropinol OR  Borotropin OR  Dysurgal OR  Atro  OR  Atrosun OR Atrospan OR Liotropina OR Atrop  OR Atropisa OR  Tropyn OR Anespin OR  Atropol OR Atropocil OR Spersatropine OR Atrosol OR Sulfatropinol OR  Skiatropine  OR Atrosol OR AtroPen OR Atropicel

Removed because of alternate meanings:
Multi-part terms removed because they were "not found" by PubMed
Di Shan
Noxenur S
Bell Pino-Atrin
Isotic Cycloma
Bellafit N


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Telazol -- keywords and MeSH

Alternate names were taken from entry term or synonym lists in the MeSH database and the EMTREE browser
"tiletamine, zolazepam drug combination" [Supplementary Concept] OR "ci 744" OR ci744 OR "ci-744" OR telazol OR tilazol OR "tiletamine-zolazepam" OR "tiletamine/zolazepam" OR tiletaminezolazepam OR "zolazepam plus tiletamine" OR "zolazepam-tiletamine" OR "zolazepam/tiletamine" OR zoletil

75418-09-6 "not found" so I removed:
(37291-85-3 AND 75418-09-6)

'tiletamine plus zolazepam'/exp  OR "ci 744" OR ci744 OR "ci-744" OR telazol OR tilazol OR "tiletamine-zolazepam" OR "tiletamine/zolazepam" OR tiletaminezolazepam OR "zolazepam plus tiletamine" OR "zolazepam-tiletamine" OR "zolazepam/tiletamine" (teletamine NEAR/1 zolazepam) OR zoletil OR (37291-85-3 AND 75418-09-6)

Carprofen -- keywords and MeSH

"carprofen" [Supplementary Concept] OR Carprofen OR 53716-49-7 OR "C-5720"  OR "C5720" OR  "Ro205720/000" OR "C 5720"  OR  Carprofen* OR  Karprofeeni OR  Karprofen*

OR  "Ro-20-5720/000" OR  "Ro 20 5720/000"

'carprofen'/exp OR Carprofen OR 53716-49-7 OR "C-5720" OR  "Ro-20-5720/000" OR "C5720" OR  "Ro205720/000" OR "C 5720" OR  "Ro 20 5720/000" OR  Carprofen* OR  Karprofeeni OR  Karprofen*

Isoflurane -- keywords and MeSH

"Isoflurane"[Mesh] OR Isoflurane OR 26675-46-7 OR   Isofluraani OR  Isofluran* OR  Izofluran OR  Izofluran* OR Forane OR  Zuflax OR AErrane OR  Forthane OR  Forene OR  Isoforine OR  Isoran OR  Isothane OR  Terrell[tiab] OR  Tensocold OR Forenium  OR  Isorane OR  Lisorane OR  Sofloran  OR  Forthane OR  Florane OR  AErran OR  Isofor OR  Isofludem 

Multi-word terms removed because they were "not found" by PubMed
"Compound 469" OR  "Ning Fen" OR  "Yi Mei Ning" 

'isoflurane'/exp OR Isoflurane OR 26675-46-7 OR "Compound 469" OR  Isofluraani OR  Isofluran* OR  Izofluran OR  Izofluran* OR Forane OR  Zuflax OR AErrane OR  Forthane OR  Forene OR  Isoforine OR  Isoran OR  Isothane OR  "Ning Fen" OR  Terrell[tiab] OR  "Yi Mei Ning" OR  Tensocold OR Forenium  OR  Isorane OR  Lisorane OR  Sofloran  OR  Forthane OR  Florane OR  AErran OR  Isofor OR Isofludem 

Pentobarbital -- keywords and MeSH


"Pentobarbital"[Mesh] OR Pentobarbital OR pentobarbit* OR 76-74-4 OR 57-33-0 OR Aethaminalum* OR Ethaminal OR  Mebubarbital OR  Mebumal* OR  Pentobarbitaali* OR Barbopent OR  Carbrital OR  Nembutal OR Hypnol OR  “Nova Rectal” OR  Mebumal OR “Medinox Mono” OR  Neodorm OR Ravona OR Sopental

'pentobarbital'/exp OR Pentobarbital OR pentobarbit* OR 76-74-4 OR 57-33-0 OR Aethaminalum* OR Ethaminal OR  Mebubarbital OR  Mebumal* OR  Pentobarbitaali* OR Barbopent OR  Carbrital OR  Nembutal OR Hypnol OR  “Nova Rectal” OR  Mebumal OR “Medinox Mono” OR  Neodorm OR Ravona OR Sopental

The pentobarbital brand name -- Nova -- has been removed because of alternate meanings.

Asprin -- keywords and MeSH

I haven't attempted to include brand names.

"Aspirin"[Mesh] OR  Aspirin  OR “O-Acetylsalicylic” OR “2-Acetoxybenzoic” OR “O-Acetylsalicylate” OR “2-Acetoxybenzoate” OR 50-78-2 OR acetylsal* OR Acetilsal* OR Acetilszal*   OR Asetilsal*  OR Asetyylisal* OR acetylosalicyl* OR  Polopiryna OR (Salicylic[tiab] AND (acetyl[tiab] OR Acetate[tiab]) OR ASA

'acetylsalicylic acid'/exp OR Aspirin  OR “O-Acetylsalicylic” OR “2-Acetoxybenzoic” OR “O-Acetylsalicylate” OR “2-Acetoxybenzoate” OR 50-78-2 OR acetylsal* OR Acetilsal* OR Acetilszal*   OR Asetilsal* OR Asetyylisal* OR acetylosalicyl* OR  Polopiryna OR (Salicylic NEAR/2 (acetyl OR Acetate)) OR ASA


Buprenorphine -- keywords and MeSH


"Buprenorphine"[Mesh] OR Buprenorphine  OR  52485-79-7 OR Buprenorfiini* OR  Buprenorfin* OR   Buprenorphin* OR  53152-21-9 OR    "RX6029M"  OR "CL112302" OR  "NIH8805" OR  "UM952"   OR  Magnogen OR  Restiva OR  Temgesic* OR Norspan OR  Suboxone OR  Subutex OR  Transtec OR  Tridol OR  Triquisic OR BuTrans  OR  Shumeifen OR  Ravata  OR  Trapamaphin OR  Anorfin OR  Buprenotex OR  Norvipren OR Prenorvine  OR  Bupren OR Addnok OR  Bunogesic OR  Buprigesic OR  Buprinor OR  Norphin OR  Pentorel OR  Tidigesic OR Centradol  OR  Nopan OR  SBT OR  Finibron OR Brospina OR  Bunondol  OR  Buprex OR  Trapamafin OR Bupranal OR  Prefin OR Buprenotex  OR Buprine OR Tephine OR  Buprenex OR  Butrans OR Magnogen  OR  Tridol   OR Finibron OR   Bupranal

Removed terms:
RX 6029 M
CL 112302
NIH 8805
UM 952

'buprenorphine'/exp OR buprenorphine OR '52485 79 7' OR buprenorfiini* OR buprenorfin* OR buprenorphin* OR '53152 21 9' OR 'rx-6029-m' OR 'cl-112302' OR 'nih-8805' OR 'um-952' OR 'rx6029m' OR 'cl112302' OR 'nih8805' OR 'um952' OR 'rx 6029 m' OR 'cl 112302' OR 'nih 8805' OR 'um 952' OR restiva OR temgesic* OR norspan OR suboxone OR subutex OR transtec OR triquisic OR shumeifen OR ravata OR trapamaphin OR anorfin OR norvipren OR prenorvine OR bupren OR addnok OR bunogesic OR buprigesic OR buprinor OR norphin OR pentorel OR tidigesic OR centradol OR nopan OR sbt OR brospina OR bunondol OR buprex OR trapamafin OR prefin OR buprenotex OR buprine OR tephine OR buprenex OR butrans OR magnogen OR tridol OR 'sha fei' OR finibron OR bupranal

Xylazine -- keywords and MeSH

("Xylazine"[Mesh] OR  Xylazine OR xylazin* OR xilazin* OR Ksylatsiini* OR 7361-61-7 OR 23076-35-9 OR "Bay Va 1470" OR BayVa1470 OR "Bay-Va-1470" OR anased)

'xylazine'/exp OR xylazine OR xylazin* OR xilazin* OR ksylatsiini* OR '7361 61 7' OR '23076 35 9' OR 'bay va 1470' OR bayva1470 OR 'bay-va-1470' OR anased

Ketamine -- keywords and MeSH

"Ketamine"[Mesh] OR Ketamine  OR  6740-88-1  OR 1867-66-9 OR "CI-581"   OR "CI581" OR  "CL369" OR  "CN523722"  OR "CI 581" OR  Ketamiini* OR  Ketamin* OR   Inducmina OR  Ketalar OR  Ketanest OR Clortamina OR Calypsol OR  Narkamon OR Keta OR  Velonarcon OR Aneket OR  Hypnoket OR  Keta OR  Ketafast OR  Ketajex OR    Ketam OR  Ketamax OR  Ketmin OR  Ketsia OR  Kmin OR Anesject OR  Ivanes OR    KTM OR Kanox OR  Ketava OR Ketalin OR  Ketina OR Ketacor OR  Ketaject OR  Ketamax OR  Ketazol OR  Quetanex OR Brevinaze OR  Ketolar OR Keta-Hameln OR  Keiran

The following names for ketamine were removed from the PubMed search:

CL 369
CN 52372 2


'ketamine'/exp OR ketamine OR '6740 88 1' OR '1867 66 9' OR 'ci-581' OR 'cn-52372-2' OR 'ci581' OR 'cl369' OR 'cn523722' OR 'ci 581' OR 'cl 369' OR 'cn 52372 2' OR ketamiini* OR ketamin* OR inducmina OR ketalar OR ketanest OR clortamina OR calypsol OR narkamon OR velonarcon OR aneket OR hypnoket OR keta OR ketafast OR ketajex OR ketam OR ketmin OR ketsia OR kmin OR anesject OR ivanes OR ktm OR kanox OR ketava OR ketalin OR ketina OR ketacor OR ketaject OR ketamax OR ketazol OR quetanex OR brevinaze OR ketolar OR 'keta hameln' OR keiran

Pigs -- keyword and MeSH

Search for articles focusing entirely on pigs:

(pig[ti] OR pigs[ti] OR Piglet*[ti] OR sow[ti] OR sows[ti] OR boar[ti] OR boars[ti] OR swine[ti] OR porcine[ti] OR suidae[ti] OR hog[ti] OR hogs[ti] OR phacochoerus[ti] OR "Swine"[Majr]) NOT ("guinea pig"[ti] OR "guinea pigs"[ti])

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Postoperative -- keyword and MeSH

A first try.  The keyword portion of the search was also being prepared for use in EMBASE.  For this reason, the hyphenated terms were not truncated.
(postop* OR "post-op" OR "post-operative" OR "post-operation" OR "post-operations" OR postsurg* OR "post-surgery"  OR "post-surgical" OR "after surgery" OR "following surgery" OR postanesth* OR post-anesthesia OR post-anesthetic  OR PARU OR PACU OR "recovery room" OR "recovery rooms" OR "recovery unit" OR "recovery units"  OR "Postoperative Period"[Mesh] OR "Postoperative Complications"[Mesh] OR "Postoperative Care"[Mesh]) 

When specific procedures are of interest, it is important to represent them, e.g.
post-laparotomy OR postlaparotom*