Some keywords to consider including in cost-related searches:
OR charg* OR expens* OR expenditure* OR budget* OR economic* OR money*
OR dollar* OR invest OR invests OR investment* OR investing
OR invested OR roi OR euros OR financ* OR expenditur* OR fund* OR
disbursement* OR pay* OR bills OR billed OR billing OR price* OR
inexpensive* OR extravagan* OR afford* OR discount* OR fiscal OR
disburs* OR fee OR fees OR tariff* OR barter* OR tab OR wages
OR value OR outlay OR wholesale* OR retail* OR capital OR earn* OR
lucre* OR proceeds OR profit* OR revenue* OR assets OR cash* OR saving*
OR cheap* OR deficit* OR spend* OR mortgag* OR underwrit* OR dividend*
OR bankroll* OR donat* OR reimburs* OR recompens* OR compensat* OR indemnif* OR remunerat* OR repay* OR currenc* OR wherewithall* OR
refund* OR 'break even' OR 'in the red' OR 'in the green' OR debt* OR
loan* OR debit* OR credit* OR bankrupt* OR overhead* OR 'bottom line' OR
'out of pocket' OR forfeit* OR tax* OR depreciat*
OR dues OR profligat* OR overpric* OR prodigal* OR brib*