Saturday, April 20, 2019

IL-4 keywords

Based on synonyms in MeSH and EMTREE databases and assuming hyphenated terms will retrieve hyphenated terms as well as those with spaces.  

IL-4 OR IL4 OR B-Cell-Growth-Factor-1 OR B-Cell-Proliferating-Factor OR b-cell-stimulating-factor OR B-Cell-Stimulating-Factor-1 OR B-Cell-Stimulatory-Factor-1 OR b-cell-stimulatory-factor-i OR b-lymphocyte-stimulating-factor-1 OR B-Cell-Growth-Factor-1 OR B-Cell-Growth-Factor-I OR B-Cell-Proliferating-Factor OR B-Cell-Stimulating-Factor-1 OR B-Cell-Stimulatory-Factor-1 OR BCGF-1 OR Binetrakin OR bsf-1 OR bsf1 OR eosinophil-differentiation-factor OR Interleukin-4 OR Mast-Cell-Growth-Factor-2 OR MCGF-2 OR MCGF2