Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Eating disorders -- for EMBASE - keywords and EMTREE

Terms for eating disorders are narrower headings and synonyms in the EMTREE and MeSH browsers

('eating disorder'/exp OR anore* OR bulim* OR diabulim* OR binge-eating OR 'night eating' OR hyperrex* OR (induc* NEAR/3 (purg* OR vomit*)) OR phagoman* OR orthore* OR allotriophag* OR pica OR geophag* OR ((dirt OR ice) NEAR/3 (eat* OR consum*)) OR pagophag* OR trichophag* OR 'muscle dysmorph*' OR bigorex* OR vigorex* OR ((food OR feed*) NEAR/4 (aver* OR avoid* OR addict* OR neophob* OR refus*)) OR arfid OR (('food intake' OR eating OR overeat* OR feeding OR appetit* OR bing* OR purg* OR rumination) NEAR/3 (syndrom* OR disoorder* OR pathol* OR compuls*)) OR ednos OR osfed OR (athlet* NEAR/3 triad) OR (energ* NEAR/3 deficien* NEAR/3 sport*) OR RED-s OR RED-SS  OR merycism*)

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