Keywords based on MeSH database entry term list and on Martindale's in MICROMEDEX
protamine OR Protami OR Protamina OR Protaminum OR Protammina OR Protamiinihydrokloridi OR
Protaminhydrochlorid OR Protaminhydroklorid OR
Protamini OR Protamino OR Denpru OR Neutrahep OR Newtain OR Prosulf OR Prota[tiab]
Consider removing -- Prota[tiab] -- if the search might concern Staphylococcus (ProtA is a frequent abbreviation for Protein A)
The following hyphenated terms were 'not found' by PubMed and were removed from the search strategy to avoid retrieval of irrelevant results:
9012-00-4 OR 9009-65-8 OR Protamin-hidroklorid OR Protamin-hydrochlorid
Monday, January 28, 2013
low-molecular-weight heparins keywords
Terms taken from MeSH database entry term and narrower term lists and from Martindale's in MICROMEDEX:
dalteparin OR enoxaparin* OR nadroparin* OR LMWH OR ULMWH OR "low-molecular-weight heparin" OR "low-molecular-weight heparins" OR "low molecular weight heparin" OR "low molecular weight heparins" OR tedelparin* OR Tedelparin OR Kabi-2165 OR "Kabi 2165" OR Kabi2165 OR Dalteparin* OR Daltepariin* OR Dalteparyn* OR 9041-08-1 OR Fragmin* OR Boxol OR Dalpin OR Daltehep OR Eurodal OR Fragmin OR Ligofragmin OR FR-860 OR "FR 860" OR FR860 OR Enoxaparin* OR "PK-10,169" OR "PK 10,169" OR PK-10169 OR "PK 10169" OR PK10169 OR EMT-967 OR "EMT 967" OR EMT967 OR RP54563 OR Enoxaparin* OR Enoksapariin* OR Enoksaparin* OR Enoksaparyn* OR 9041-08-1 OR Clexa* OR Cutenox OR Decipar OR Dilutol OR Dripanina OR Dynalix OR Endocris OR Enoparin OR Enoxalow OR Enoxarin OR Enoxdowm OR Exowin OR Fibrinox OR Flenox OR Flothin OR Flunox OR Grefac OR Hemapaxan OR Henoxil OR Hepaclex OR Hepanox OR Klexane OR LMWX OR Lomonox OR Loparin* OR Lovenox OR Lupenox OR Macparin OR Maxiparine OR Megaparin OR Omatex OR Plaucina OR Trombenox OR EMT-966 OR "EMT 966" OR EMT966 OR Nadroparin* OR Fraxiparin* OR "CY 216" OR CY-216 OR CY216 OR LMF CY-216 OR CY216D OR Nadropariin* OR Nadroparin* OR cardioparin OR Fraxiforte OR Fraxiparin* OR Fraxodi OR Nadrohep OR Seledie OR Seleparina OR Danaparoid OR Danaparoide OR Danaparoid-Natrium OR Danaparoidum OR Lomoparan Org-10172 OR Org10172 OR "Org 10172" OR 83513-48-8 OR Orgaran OR PARNAPARIN OR Parnapariininatrium OR Parnaparina OR Parnaparine OR Parnaparinnatrium OR Parnaparino OR Parnaparinum OR 9041-08-1 OR Fluxum OR Minidalton OR Thromboparin OR Tromboparin OR Zoltar OR Tinzaparin OR Tintsapariininatrium OR Tinzaparina OR Tinzaparine OR Tinzaparinnatrium OR Tinzaparino OR Tinzaparinum OR 9041-08-1 OR Innohep OR Logiparin
dalteparin OR enoxaparin* OR nadroparin* OR LMWH OR ULMWH OR "low-molecular-weight heparin" OR "low-molecular-weight heparins" OR "low molecular weight heparin" OR "low molecular weight heparins" OR tedelparin* OR Tedelparin OR Kabi-2165 OR "Kabi 2165" OR Kabi2165 OR Dalteparin* OR Daltepariin* OR Dalteparyn* OR 9041-08-1 OR Fragmin* OR Boxol OR Dalpin OR Daltehep OR Eurodal OR Fragmin OR Ligofragmin OR FR-860 OR "FR 860" OR FR860 OR Enoxaparin* OR "PK-10,169" OR "PK 10,169" OR PK-10169 OR "PK 10169" OR PK10169 OR EMT-967 OR "EMT 967" OR EMT967 OR RP54563 OR Enoxaparin* OR Enoksapariin* OR Enoksaparin* OR Enoksaparyn* OR 9041-08-1 OR Clexa* OR Cutenox OR Decipar OR Dilutol OR Dripanina OR Dynalix OR Endocris OR Enoparin OR Enoxalow OR Enoxarin OR Enoxdowm OR Exowin OR Fibrinox OR Flenox OR Flothin OR Flunox OR Grefac OR Hemapaxan OR Henoxil OR Hepaclex OR Hepanox OR Klexane OR LMWX OR Lomonox OR Loparin* OR Lovenox OR Lupenox OR Macparin OR Maxiparine OR Megaparin OR Omatex OR Plaucina OR Trombenox OR EMT-966 OR "EMT 966" OR EMT966 OR Nadroparin* OR Fraxiparin* OR "CY 216" OR CY-216 OR CY216 OR LMF CY-216 OR CY216D OR Nadropariin* OR Nadroparin* OR cardioparin OR Fraxiforte OR Fraxiparin* OR Fraxodi OR Nadrohep OR Seledie OR Seleparina OR Danaparoid OR Danaparoide OR Danaparoid-Natrium OR Danaparoidum OR Lomoparan Org-10172 OR Org10172 OR "Org 10172" OR 83513-48-8 OR Orgaran OR PARNAPARIN OR Parnapariininatrium OR Parnaparina OR Parnaparine OR Parnaparinnatrium OR Parnaparino OR Parnaparinum OR 9041-08-1 OR Fluxum OR Minidalton OR Thromboparin OR Tromboparin OR Zoltar OR Tinzaparin OR Tintsapariininatrium OR Tinzaparina OR Tinzaparine OR Tinzaparinnatrium OR Tinzaparino OR Tinzaparinum OR 9041-08-1 OR Innohep OR Logiparin
The following hyphenated and quoted phrases were 'not found' by PubMed and were removed to avoid retrieval of irrelevant results:
RP-54563 OR 679809-58-6 OR Nu-Rox OR CY-216D OR "Low Liquemine"
OR "PK10,169" OR "RP 54563" OR "LMF CY 216" OR "LMF CY216" OR "CY 216D" OR Lomorin-NX OR 91449-79-5 OR OP-21-23 OR Parnaparin-Natrium OR Tinzaparin-Natrium
heparin keywords
Search strategy based on MeSH entry terms and Martindale's MICROMEDEX:
Heparin OR alpha-heparin* OR heparins OR heparine OR heparina OR heparini OR heparinum OR Eparin*
OR Hepariin* OR Heparyn* OR 9005-49-6 OR Arthro-Menthoneurin OR
Beprin OR Cycloarthrin OR Cycloparin OR Derivon OR Gorgonium
OR Hamoagil OR Helberina OR Heparen OR Hepgel OR Inhep OR Liquemin OR
Nuparin OR Parinorth OR Pentavenon OR Percase OR Percase-L OR
Proctosedyl OR Pularin OR Ruscovarin OR Thrombophob OR Turgostad OR Varicylum
OR Venalot OR Venodrag OR Venoplant[tiab] OR Venothromb OR 37270-89-6
OR Bioclaril OR Calcihep OR Calcilean OR Calciparin* OR Calcipor OR
Calparine OR Croneparina OR Ecabil OR Ecasolv OR Emoklar
OR Epacalcica OR Eparical OR Eparinlider OR Eparven OR Eudipar OR
Flusolv OR Hemofluss OR Hepacal OR Heparibene OR Monoparin OR Parinix OR
Reoflus OR Serianon OR Sosefluss OR Trombolisin OR Uniparin OR Zepac OR
9041-08-1 OR Actparin OR Alcepalan OR
Alimax OR Ambenat OR Ariven OR Arthroforte OR Assan[tiab] OR Ateroclar
OR Beparine OR Biherpan OR Bioclot OR Blockasol OR Bonactin OR Butaparin
OR Canusal OR Cathflush OR Cepan OR Cervep OR Chemyparin OR Clarisco OR Coaparin OR Contractubex OR Contugel OR Cutheparine OR Darkinal OR Demovarin OR Disebrin OR Disotron OR Dolo-Arthrosenex OR Dolobene OR Dolo-Menthoneurin OR Dolo-Rubriment OR Eparinovis OR Epartisone OR Epsoclar OR Epsodil OR Epsodilave OR Esbereiven OR Essaven* OR Etrat OR Facocinerin OR Fibraflex OR Flebogamma OR Flebs OR Flectoparin OR Gelparin OR Hemastat OR Hemeran OR Hemofol OR Hepabuzone OR Hepaflex OR HepaGel OR Hepalean* OR Hepamax OR Hepaplus OR Heparibene OR Heparil OR Heparizen OR Heparth OR HepaSpray OR Hepathromb OR Hepathrombin* OR Hepathrombine OR Hepatriet OR Hepatrombin OR Hepazolon OR Hepflush OR Hep-Lock OR Heplok OR Heprin OR Hep-Rinse OR Hepsal OR Hepsal OR Heptin OR Hexilak OR Hirox OR Ichthalgan OR Inhepar OR Inviclot OR Isoclar OR Jossathromb OR Kanovenol OR Kelofibrase OR Keparin OR Keppur OR Keppur OR Lavenum OR "Line Flush" OR Lioton OR Lipactin OR Lipactin OR Lipactin OR Lipohep OR Liquaemin* OR Localithromb OR Menaven OR Meparin OR Minihep OR Monoparin OR Multiparin OR Multiparin OR Nevparin OR Nigepan OR "No-Clot" OR Noparin OR Normoparin OR Nuparin OR Nycoheparin OR Ostochont OR Pertrombon OR Pharepa OR Phlogase OR Phytobene OR Praecivenin OR Proctosedyl OR Proctosedyl OR proctosoll OR Proparin OR Proveno OR Ralur OR Reparil[tiab] OR Riveparin OR Robusanon OR Rubidiosin OR Savarix OR Sensicutan OR Sobrius OR Sodiparin OR Sportino OR Sportium OR Sportofit OR Sportusal OR Thrombareduct OR Thrombimed OR Thrombion OR Thrombocutan OR Thrombophob OR Thrombo-Vetren OR Tointex OR Traumalitan OR Trirutin OR Trombex OR Trombless OR Trombofob OR Trombofob OR Tromboliquine OR Trombosol OR Unihep OR Unihepa OR Uniparin OR Vascularin OR Venacol OR Venalitan OR Venalot OR Venengel OR Venobene OR Venocux OR Venoflexil OR Venohepanol OR Venolife OR Venopyronum OR Venosin OR Venostasin OR Venotrauma OR Venucreme OR Venugel OR Veracer OR Vetren OR Viatromb OR Viteparin
Terms removed because they indicated other concepts more frequently than the heparin concept:
Arnica OR Caprin OR Declot OR Haven OR Hep OR Hico OR Ignava OR Integrum OR Lyman OR Mica OR Pan OR Recto
Hyphenated and quoted phrases "not found" by PubMed that were removed to avoid retrieval of irrelevant results:
Protrom Landerl"
Dial Perit"
sanol Beincreme"
a la Prednacinolone"
Tissugel Heparine"
"Hep Lok"
Ven N"
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
endometrial biopsy -- keywords
((endometri* OR hysteroscop*) AND ( sampling OR sample OR samples OR sampled OR aspirat* OR punch* OR pipet* OR curett* OR biops*))
Consider ORing the following with the sampling terms. Doing so will result in retrieval of many articles about histology in hysterectomies.
histolog* OR microscop* OR histopath* OR cytopath* OR cytolog*
Consider ORing the following --
"D&C" OR "Dilatation and curettage"
(("D&C" OR "Dilatation and curettage") AND (diagnostic OR histolog* OR microscop* OR histopath* OR cytopath* OR cytolog*))
-- with the entire search statement .
Consider ORing the following with the sampling terms. Doing so will result in retrieval of many articles about histology in hysterectomies.
histolog* OR microscop* OR histopath* OR cytopath* OR cytolog*
Consider ORing the following --
"D&C" OR "Dilatation and curettage"
(("D&C" OR "Dilatation and curettage") AND (diagnostic OR histolog* OR microscop* OR histopath* OR cytopath* OR cytolog*))
-- with the entire search statement .
Monday, January 7, 2013
transfer -- keywords
This list of transfer keywords was compiled as part of a search concerning the communication between two groups of doctors that occurs when a patient is transferred from one section of the hospital to another. The terms for the two groups of doctors (not included here) gave the search its specificity. Depending on the search topic terms like -- intra-professional OR intraprofessional OR inter-physician OR interphysician OR communicat* -- should be OR'd with the transfer words.
(handoff* OR hand-off* OR "hand off" OR "hand offs" OR handover* OR hand-over* OR "hand over" OR "hand overs" OR turnover* OR turn-over* OR "turn over" OR "turn overs" OR transfer[tiab] OR transfers OR transferred OR transferring)
gout -- keywords and MeSH
((("Hyperuricemia"[mesh] OR hyperuricemi*[tw] OR hyperuricaemi*[tw] OR uric*[tw] OR urate[tw] OR uricem* OR uricaem*) AND (arthralg* OR polyarthriti* OR monoarthriti* OR polyarthralgi* OR monoarthralgi* OR intra-articular OR anti-arthriti* OR antiarthriti* OR antigout* OR anti-gout* OR joint[tw] OR joints[tw] OR arthriti* OR arthropath* OR synovi* OR articular OR rheumatol* OR toe OR toes OR phalanx OR phalanges OR carpal* OR tarsal *OR metacarp* OR metatars* OR inter-phalang* OR interphalang* OR intercarpal* OR intertarsal* OR ankle* OR knee* OR foot OR feet OR hand OR hands OR wrist* OR elbow* OR shoulder* OR hip OR hips OR orthoped*[tiab] OR orthopaed*[tiab])) OR gout[tiab] OR gouty[tiab] OR tophus OR tophi OR tophaceous OR "gout"[mesh] OR (uric acid dis*) OR Urarthriti* OR “crystal arthritis” OR “crystal-induced arthritis” OR “crystal arthritides” OR “crystal-induced arthritides”)
cisplatin -- keywords
Based on Martindale's 11/12
cisplatin OR CDDP OR Cis-platin* OR Cisplatyn* OR Ciszplatin* OR DDP OR cis-DDP OR csddp OR NSC-119875 OR "NSC 119875" OR NSC119875 OR "Platinum Diamminodichloride" OR Sisplatiin* OR Sisplatin* OR cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum OR Diamminedichloroplatinum OR 15663-27-1 OR Abiplatin OR Accocit OR Astaplatin OR Bioplatino OR Blastolem OR Cadiplat OR Ciplexal OR Cisanplat OR Cisget OR Cishexal OR Ciskebir OR Cisplagen OR Cisplamin OR Cisplan OR Cisplasan OR Cisplat OR Cisplatex OR Cisplatyl OR Cisteen OR Cistriz OR Citoplatino OR Citoplax OR Citosin OR Cytoplatin OR Cytosplat OR Docistin OR Duplat OR Elvecis OR Fauldcispla OR Faulplatin OR Incel[tiab] OR Kemoplat OR Laxifos OR Lederplatin OR Metalino OR Neoplat OR Neoplatin OR Niyaplat OR Norplatin OR Noveldexis OR Oncoplat OR Oncoplatin OR Oncotin OR Placis OR Placitin OR Plastistil OR Platamine OR Platanovag OR Platiblastin OR Platidiam OR Platin OR Platinex OR Platino OR Platinol OR Platinox OR Platinoxan OR Platiran OR Platistil OR Platistil OR Platistin OR Platistin OR Platistine OR Platistine OR Platosin OR Platamine OR Randa OR Seroplatin OR Sicatem OR Tecnoplatin OR Tisplal OR Unistin
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