Keywords based on MeSH database entry term list and on Martindale's in MICROMEDEX
protamine OR Protami OR Protamina OR Protaminum OR Protammina OR Protamiinihydrokloridi OR
Protaminhydrochlorid OR Protaminhydroklorid OR
Protamini OR Protamino OR Denpru OR Neutrahep OR Newtain OR Prosulf OR Prota[tiab]
Consider removing -- Prota[tiab] -- if the search might concern Staphylococcus (ProtA is a frequent abbreviation for Protein A)
The following hyphenated terms were 'not found' by PubMed and were removed from the search strategy to avoid retrieval of irrelevant results:
9012-00-4 OR 9009-65-8 OR Protamin-hidroklorid OR Protamin-hydrochlorid