Wednesday, January 13, 2016

HIV Integrase Inhibitors -- keywords/MeSH

Quick, non-exhaustive search.  Class member names were obtained from EMTREE.  Investigational names were only included when no generic names was available. (It's possible that some included drugs  are not HIV-specific)

("Integrase Inhibitors"[Mesh] OR "integrase inhibitor"[ti] OR "integrase inhibitors"[ti] OR (integrase*[ti] AND (inhibit*[ti] OR antagon*[ti] OR block*[ti]) ) OR abacavir[ti] OR dolutegravir[ti] OR bictegravir[ti] OR cabotegravir [ti] OR elvitegravir[ti] OR dolutegravir[ti] OR integracide[ti] OR raltegravir[ti] OR zintevir[ti]] OR gs-81078[ti] OR gw810781[ti] OR “s-1360”[ti] OR "s 1360"[ti] OR s1360[ti] OR 280571-30-4 OR 251922-77-7 OR triumeq[ti] OR l870810[ti] OR I-870810[ti] OR 410544-95-5) 

The following multi-word phrases were “not found” in the list of recognized PubMed phrases and were removed to avoid retrieval of large numbers of irrelevant results:
"gw 810781"[ti] OR "l 870810"[ti]

'integrase inhibitor'/exp/mj OR 'integrase inhibitor':ti OR 'integrase inhibitors':ti OR (integrase:ti AND integrase* NEAR/3 (inhibit* OR antagon* OR block*)) OR abacavir:ti OR bictegravir:ti OR cabotegravir:ti OR elvitegravir:ti OR dolutegravir:ti OR integracide:ti OR raltegravir:ti OR zintevir:ti OR '280571 30 4' OR 'gw 810781':ti OR gw810781:ti OR 's 1360':ti OR s1360:ti OR '251922 77 7' OR triumeq:ti OR 'l 870810':ti OR l870810:ti OR '410544 95 5'