Friday, July 3, 2009

mupirocin -- combination keyword, MeSH

(Mupirocin* OR BRL-4910A OR BRL4910A OR "Pseudomonic Acid" OR Mupirosiini* OR Bacidal OR Bacrocin OR Bacskin OR Bactex OR Bactifree OR Bactocin OR Bactoderm OR Bactokil OR Bactroban OR Bactrocin* OR Bactroneo OR Celefer OR Centany OR Dimsa OR Eismycin OR Foskina* OR Hevronaz OR InfectoPyoderm OR Micoban OR Mupax OR Mupider* OR Mupiran OR Mupirox OR Mupiskin OR Muporin OR Muprin OR Paldar OR Pibaksin OR Plasimine OR Sinpebac OR Supirocin* OR Dermucor* OR Ultrabiotic OR Underan OR Veltion OR Vidox OR BRL-4910F OR BRL4910F OR “BRL 4910F” OR bactrobandos OR bantix OR mupax OR Turixin OR "Mupirocin"[Mesh] )

The following multi-word, quoted phrases were not recognized by PubMed and caused retrieval of irrelevant results and were therefore removed from the search strategy.

“BRL 4910F”

"BRL 4910A"

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