Two term lists that may be useful in searching for articles about mobilizing community support/volunteers. The second list of terms, a list of terms used for lay health workers, is useful when you're looking for a specific type of worker. As in "asian allies" OR "asian ally" OR "asian volunteer" OR "asian volunteers"...
engag* OR mobilis* OR mobiliz* OR recruit* OR involv* OR booster* OR cheerleader* OR allies OR ally OR volunteer*
allies OR ally OR volunteer* OR leader* OR aide OR assistant* OR worker* OR supporter* OR mentor* OR facilitator* OR teacher* OR instructor* OR educator* OR assistant* OR worker* OR aide*
Thursday, June 23, 2011
exercise -- keywords
This strategy was composed as part of a search for the effects of exercises that raise pulse and respiratory rates. I'm sure I've left out some important terms. The following is a place to start.
(exercise OR exercised OR exercising OR exercises OR exerciser* OR aerobics OR calisthenic* OR active OR activity OR activities OR "physical education" OR "physical training" OR sport OR sports OR basketball* OR baseball* OR softball* OR football* OR volleyball* OR lacrosse OR squash OR hockey OR soccer OR rugby OR ((play OR plays OR played OR playing OR player*) AND (ball OR balls OR tag OR "hide and seek")) OR racquetball* OR "roller blading" OR rollerblad* OR "track and field" OR vault* OR hurdle* OR marathon* OR triathlon* OR biathlon* OR pentathlon* OR race[tiab] OR races[tiab] OR raced OR racing OR races OR racer* OR dash OR dashes OR dasher* OR sprint* OR run OR runs OR running OR ran OR runner* OR jog OR jogs OR jogging OR jogged OR jogger* OR jump OR jumps OR jumped OR jumping OR jumper* OR swimming OR swim OR swims OR swam OR swimmer* OR polo OR canoe* OR kayak* OR rowing OR row OR rows OR rowed OR rower* OR cycling OR cyclist* OR bicycl* OR skating OR skate[tiab] OR skates[tiab] OR skated OR skater* OR ski OR skis OR skiing OR skied OR skier* OR snowboard* OR tennis OR judo OR "martial arts" OR "martial art" OR (martial AND (art[tiab] OR arts OR artist*)) OR "martial artists" OR spar OR sparred OR sparring OR spars OR jiu-jitsu OR jiujitsu OR jujutsu OR sojutsu OR defendo OR karate OR kenpo OR kickbox* OR shinkendo OR aikido OR jodo OR judo OR kendo OR kyudo OR ninjutsu OR boxing OR shootfight* OR taekwondo OR sumo OR fencing OR fence OR fences OR fenced OR fencer* OR wrestle OR wrestles OR wrestling OR wrestled OR wrestler* OR gymnastic* OR gymnast OR gymnasts OR zumba* OR dance OR danced OR dances OR dancing OR dancer* OR ballet OR ballerina* OR folkdance* OR walk*[tiab] OR orienteer* OR hike OR hikes OR hiked OR hiking OR hiker* OR climb OR climbs OR climbing OR climber* OR climbed)
(exercise OR exercised OR exercising OR exercises OR exerciser* OR aerobics OR calisthenic* OR active OR activity OR activities OR "physical education" OR "physical training" OR sport OR sports OR basketball* OR baseball* OR softball* OR football* OR volleyball* OR lacrosse OR squash OR hockey OR soccer OR rugby OR ((play OR plays OR played OR playing OR player*) AND (ball OR balls OR tag OR "hide and seek")) OR racquetball* OR "roller blading" OR rollerblad* OR "track and field" OR vault* OR hurdle* OR marathon* OR triathlon* OR biathlon* OR pentathlon* OR race[tiab] OR races[tiab] OR raced OR racing OR races OR racer* OR dash OR dashes OR dasher* OR sprint* OR run OR runs OR running OR ran OR runner* OR jog OR jogs OR jogging OR jogged OR jogger* OR jump OR jumps OR jumped OR jumping OR jumper* OR swimming OR swim OR swims OR swam OR swimmer* OR polo OR canoe* OR kayak* OR rowing OR row OR rows OR rowed OR rower* OR cycling OR cyclist* OR bicycl* OR skating OR skate[tiab] OR skates[tiab] OR skated OR skater* OR ski OR skis OR skiing OR skied OR skier* OR snowboard* OR tennis OR judo OR "martial arts" OR "martial art" OR (martial AND (art[tiab] OR arts OR artist*)) OR "martial artists" OR spar OR sparred OR sparring OR spars OR jiu-jitsu OR jiujitsu OR jujutsu OR sojutsu OR defendo OR karate OR kenpo OR kickbox* OR shinkendo OR aikido OR jodo OR judo OR kendo OR kyudo OR ninjutsu OR boxing OR shootfight* OR taekwondo OR sumo OR fencing OR fence OR fences OR fenced OR fencer* OR wrestle OR wrestles OR wrestling OR wrestled OR wrestler* OR gymnastic* OR gymnast OR gymnasts OR zumba* OR dance OR danced OR dances OR dancing OR dancer* OR ballet OR ballerina* OR folkdance* OR walk*[tiab] OR orienteer* OR hike OR hikes OR hiked OR hiking OR hiker* OR climb OR climbs OR climbing OR climber* OR climbed)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
central lines -- keywords
("central line" OR "central
lines" OR "central line-associated" OR "central
line-related" OR central-line* OR "central intravenous line" OR
"central intravenous lines" OR "central venous line" OR
"central venous lines" OR "central venous access catheter"
OR "central venous access catheters" OR "central catheter"
OR "central catheters" OR "split cath" OR split-cath OR
propicc OR vascupicc OR multicath OR “central venous catheter” OR “central venous
catheters” OR “central venous access” OR “peripheral intravenous central
catheters” OR “peripherally inserted Central Catheter” OR “peripheral
intravenous central catheter” OR “peripherally inserted Central Catheters” OR
IAP OR “umbilical artery catheters” OR UACs OR “umbilical vein catheters” OR
UVCs OR “central venous access devices” OR CVADs OR “central IV line” OR
“umbilical artery catheter” OR UAC OR “umbilical vein catheter” OR UVC OR
“central venous access device” OR CVAD OR “central IV lines” OR mediport OR “swan-ganz” OR “swan ganz” OR ((Hickman*[tiab]
OR Groshong*[tiab] OR broviac[tiab] OR hohn[tiab] OR leonard[tiab] OR trifusion
OR jugular* OR subclavian OR femoral OR "pulmonary artery" OR
"split stream" OR eschelon OR midline OR morpheus OR neostar OR “central
venous pressure” OR “central venous pressures” OR cvp OR cvps OR “central
AND (access OR line OR lines OR catheter OR catheters OR catheterisation* OR
catheterization*)) OR CVC OR CVCs OR PICC OR PICCs OR powerPICC OR RadPICC OR
CLABSI* OR TIVAS OR "central intraarterial line" OR "central
intraarterial lines" OR "central arterial line" OR "central
arterial lines" OR "pulmonary artery catheter" OR
"pulmonary artery catheters" OR "pulmonary artery line" OR
"pulmonary artery lines" OR "central intra-arterial line"
OR "central intra-arterial lines" OR "swan ganz" OR
swan-ganz OR ((implanted OR implantable OR Groshong[tiab] OR omega[tiab] OR
passport OR dignity OR titanium OR triumph*) AND (port OR ports OR catheter* OR
line OR lines)) OR "totally implantable venous access" OR portacath*
OR porta-cath* OR port-a-cath* OR microport OR bardport OR powerport OR
infuse-a-port OR medi-port OR mediport OR x-port OR slimport OR powerline OR
powerhohn OR powerhickman OR powergroshong OR per-q-cath OR "p.a.s.
port" OR "pas port" OR life-port* OR lifeport* OR "life
port" OR "life ports" OR titanport* )
Thursday, June 16, 2011
interventions to improve compliance with pharmacologic therapy
These are not comprehensive searches. Rather they are relatively focused searches for articles about interventions designed to improve compliance to drug therapy. I've been asked for similar searches repeatedly and expect to be asked for work on this search topic again in the future. I'm posting these searches so I have a more advanced starting place for my future efforts. If you are aiming at comprehensive retrieval, removing the [ti] tags and changing [majr] to [mesh] would produce a starting point .
((("Patient Compliance"[MAJR] OR compliant[ti] OR compliance[ti] OR comply[ti] OR complying[ti] OR complied[ti] OR complies[ti] OR adhere[ti] OR adheres[ti] OR adhering[ti] OR adherent[ti] OR adhered[ti] OR adherence[ti]) and ("drug therapy"[sh] OR drug OR drugs OR medication* OR pharmacolog* OR Pharmacotherap* OR dose OR doses OR doseage* OR dosage* OR dosing OR dosed OR pill OR pills OR capsule OR capsules OR tablet* OR injection* OR injected OR injects OR injecting OR "drug therapy"[majr] )) OR "medication adherence"[mAJR] ) AND (support*[ti] OR patient-support[ti] OR "Social Support"[majr] OR "pharmacist care" OR "pharmaceutical care" OR program[ti] OR intervention*[ti] OR "Outcome and Process Assessment (Health Care)"[majr] OR "Patient Education as Topic/methods"[majr] OR "Community Pharmacy Services"[majr] OR "Persuasive Communication"[majr] OR "Cellular Phone"[majr] OR "Reminder Systems"[majr] OR "motivation"[majr] OR "Monitoring, Ambulatory"[majr] OR "Counseling/methods"[majr] OR "Interviews as Topic/methods"[majr] OR "Deductibles and Coinsurance/economics"[majr] OR "Cost Savings"[majr] OR "Medical Informatics Applications"[majr] OR "Taste"[majr] OR pleasant*[ti] OR palatab*[ti] OR "mobile phone"[ti] OR "mobile phones"[ti] OR "cellular phone"[ti] OR "cellular phones"[ti] OR "cell phone"[ti] OR "cell phones"[ti] OR videophone*[ti] OR "text message"[ti] OR "text messages"[ti] OR "text messaging"[ti] OR "text messaged"[ti] OR reminder*[ti] OR alert[ti] OR alerts[ti] OR alerting[ti] OR alerted[ti] OR message*[ti] OR (single*[ti] AND multiple*[ti] ) OR "avoid discontinuation"[ti] OR "phone calls"[ti] OR "phone call"[ti] OR "copayment reduction"[ti] OR "copayment reductions"[ti] OR "reduced copayments"[ti] OR "reduced copayment"[ti] OR "cut copayments"[ti] OR "copayment cuts"[ti] OR "cut copayment"[ti] OR "copayment cut"[ti] OR "adherence intervention"[ti] OR "compliance intervention"[ti] OR "adherence interventions"[ti] OR "compliance interventions"[ti] OR mailing*[ti] OR motivational[ti] OR "home telemonitoring"[ti] OR strategies[ti] OR strategy[ti] OR (simplif*[ti] AND Regimen*[ti] ) OR "improving adherence"[ti] OR value-based[ti] OR "value based"[ti] OR "disease management"[ti] OR "compliance aid"[ti] OR "compliance aids"[ti] OR "adherence aid"[ti] OR "adherence aids"[ti] OR "addressing nonadherence"[ti] OR "adressing noncompliance"[ti] OR Nudg*[ti] OR coach*[ti] OR engag*[ti] OR DOTS[ti] OR "directly observed"[ti] OR directly-observed[ti] OR "lay health worker"[ti] OR "lay health-worker"[ti] OR newsletter*[ti] OR incentive*[ti] OR assistance[ti] OR counsel*[ti] OR promot*[ti] OR SMS[ti] OR educat*[ti])
((compliant[ti] OR compliance[ti] OR comply[ti] OR complying[ti] OR complied[ti] OR complies[ti] OR adhere[ti] OR adheres[ti] OR adhering[ti] OR adherent[ti] OR adhered[ti] OR adherence[ti]) and ( drug OR drugs OR medication* OR pharmacolog* OR Pharmacotherap* OR dose OR doses OR doseage* OR dosage* OR dosing OR dosed OR pill OR pills OR capsule OR capsules OR tablet* OR injection* OR injected OR injects OR injecting )) AND (support*[ti] OR patient-support[ti] OR "pharmacist care" OR "pharmaceutical care" OR program[ti] OR intervention*[ti] OR pleasant*[ti] OR palatab*[ti] OR "mobile phone"[ti] OR "mobile phones"[ti] OR "cellular phone"[ti] OR "cellular phones"[ti] OR "cell phone"[ti] OR "cell phones"[ti] OR videophone*[ti] OR "text message"[ti] OR "text messages"[ti] OR "text messaging"[ti] OR "text messaged"[ti] OR reminder*[ti] OR alert[ti] OR alerts[ti] OR alerting[ti] OR alerted[ti] OR message*[ti] OR (single*[ti] AND multiple*[ti] ) OR "avoid discontinuation"[ti] OR "phone calls"[ti] OR "phone call"[ti] OR "copayment reduction"[ti] OR "copayment reductions"[ti] OR "reduced copayments"[ti] OR "reduced copayment"[ti] OR "cut copayments"[ti] OR "copayment cuts"[ti] OR "cut copayment"[ti] OR "copayment cut"[ti] OR "adherence intervention"[ti] OR "compliance intervention"[ti] OR "adherence interventions"[ti] OR "compliance interventions"[ti] OR mailing*[ti] OR motivational[ti] OR "home telemonitoring"[ti] OR strategies[ti] OR strategy[ti] OR (simplif*[ti] AND Regimen*[ti] ) OR "improving adherence"[ti] OR value-based[ti] OR "value based"[ti] OR "disease management"[ti] OR "compliance aid"[ti] OR "compliance aids"[ti] OR "adherence aid"[ti] OR "adherence aids"[ti] OR "addressing nonadherence"[ti] OR "adressing noncompliance"[ti] OR Nudg*[ti] OR coach*[ti] OR engag*[ti] OR DOTS[ti] OR "directly observed"[ti] OR directly-observed[ti] OR "lay health worker"[ti] OR "lay health-worker"[ti] OR newsletter*[ti] OR incentive*[ti] OR assistance[ti] OR counsel*[ti] OR promot*[ti] OR SMS[ti] OR educat*[ti]) NOT MEDLINE[sb]
EBSCO databases keywords
TI ( compliant OR compliance OR comply OR complying OR complied OR complies OR adhere OR adheres OR adhering OR adherent OR adhered OR adherence ) and ( drug OR drugs OR medication* OR pharmacolog* OR Pharmacotherap* OR dose OR doses OR doseage* OR dosage* OR dosing OR dosed OR pill OR pills OR capsule OR capsules OR tablet* OR injection* OR injected OR injects OR injecting ) and TI ( support* OR patient-support OR "pharmacist care" OR "pharmaceutical care" OR program OR intervention* OR pleasant* OR palatab* OR "mobile phone" OR "mobile phones" OR "cellular phone" OR "cellular phones" OR "cell phone" OR "cell phones" OR videophone* OR "text message" OR "text messages" OR "text messaging" OR "text messaged" OR reminder* OR alert OR alerts OR alerting OR alerted OR message* OR (single* AND multiple* ) OR "avoid discontinuation" OR "phone calls" OR "phone call" OR "copayment reduction" OR "copayment reductions" OR "reduced copayments" OR "reduced copayment" OR "cut copayments" OR "copayment cuts" OR "cut copayment" OR "copayment cut" OR "adherence intervention" OR "compliance intervention" OR "adherence interventions" OR "compliance interventions" OR mailing* OR motivational OR "home telemonitoring" OR strategies OR strategy OR (simplif* AND Regimen* ) OR "improving adherence" OR value-based OR "value based" OR "disease management" OR "compliance aid" OR "compliance aids" OR "adherence aid" OR "adherence aids" OR "addressing nonadherence" OR "adressing noncompliance" OR Nudg* OR coach* OR engag* OR DOTS OR "directly observed" OR directly-observed OR "lay health worker" OR "lay health-worker" OR newsletter* OR incentive* OR assistance OR counsel* OR promot* OR SMS OR educat* ) TI ( compliant OR compliance OR comply OR complying OR complied OR complies OR adhere OR adheres OR adhering OR adherent OR adhered OR adherence ) and ( drug OR drugs OR medication* OR pharmacolog* OR Pharmacotherap* OR dose OR doses OR doseage* OR dosage* OR dosing OR dosed OR pill OR pills OR capsule OR capsules OR tablet* OR injection* OR injected OR injects OR injecting ) and TI ( support* OR patient-support OR "pharmacist care" OR "pharmaceutical care" OR program OR intervention* OR p
drug-related concept
compliance -- keywords
compliant OR compliance OR comply OR complying OR complied OR complies OR adhere OR adheres OR adhering OR adherent OR adhered OR adherence OR noncompliant OR noncompliance OR noncomplying OR non-compliant OR non-compliance OR non-complying OR nonadhering OR nonadherent OR nonadherence OR non-adhering OR non-adherent OR non-adherence OR (refuse[tiab] AND treatment*[tiab]) OR "refused treatment" OR "refusing treatment" OR "refuses treatment" OR "treatment refusal" OR "refuse treatments" OR "refused treatments" OR "refusing treatments" OR "refuses treatments" OR "decline treatment" OR "declined treatment" OR "declining treatment" OR "declines treatment" OR "decline treatments" OR "declined treatments" OR "declining treatments" OR "declines treatments" OR "treatment dropout" OR "treatment dropouts" OR "treatment drop-out" OR "treatment drop-outs" OR "directly observed therapy" OR "directly-observed therapy" OR "directly observed treatment" OR "directly-observed treatment" OR (DOTS AND (therapy OR therapies OR treatment* OR pill OR pills OR capsule OR capsules OR injection*OR Injected OR injecting OR inject OR swallowing OR swallowed OR swallows OR swallow))
drug-related concept
delayed or persistent effects/AEs
I have never come up with a totally satisfactory list of terms for this concept. The search strategy below is an initial stab at the concept. Of course, not all terms work in all searches and any suggestions are, as always, welcome.
(longterm OR long-term OR "long term" OR extended OR persistent OR prolonged OR protracted OR unremitting OR late-onset OR "late onset" OR "delayed-onset" OR "delayed onset" OR delayed OR decade* OR years OR longitudinal OR follow-up OR "follow up" )
(longterm OR long-term OR "long term" OR extended OR persistent OR prolonged OR protracted OR unremitting OR late-onset OR "late onset" OR "delayed-onset" OR "delayed onset" OR delayed OR decade* OR years OR longitudinal OR follow-up OR "follow up" )
drug-related concept,
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
disparities -- keywords
The "disparities" concept like the "treatment" concept is one that I usually do not include in keyword searches. However, today I was confronted with a search that retrieved an overwhelming number of irrelevant results without the "disparities" concept so I've started a disparities keyword list. Suggestions are welcome.
(disparat* OR disparit* OR inequit* OR unequal* OR inequal* OR different OR difference OR differences OR discrepan* OR equit* OR fairly OR fairness OR unfair* OR disadvantage* OR advantage* OR variation* OR barrier* OR "Odds ratio" OR "relative risk" OR "relative risks" OR versus OR compare OR compares OR comparable OR compared OR comparing OR comparison*)
Depending on the search, the generic 'rate-related' terms might be useful also:
rate OR rates OR incidence* OR prevalence* OR statistic* OR "per capita" OR risk OR risksrural -- keywords
EMBASE version 2/6/2025:
(Rural OR frontier* OR wilderness OR countryside OR outback* OR outstation* OR outpost* OR farm OR farms OR farming OR farmer* OR orchard* OR vineyard* OR ranch* OR non-metropolitan OR non-urban OR “northern territory land council*” OR “native title” OR village* OR hamlet* OR “small town*” OR settlement* OR ranger* OR “australian bush” OR “australian bushland” OR “indian reservation*” OR ((native OR indigenous OR aborigin* OR “first nation*” OR tribe* OR tribal) NEAR/3 (reserv* OR “protected area*” OR outstation* OR homeland* OR community OR communities )) OR ((Remote OR isolated OR agricultural) NEAR/3 (commun* OR area* OR town* OR region* OR site* OR location* OR zone* OR county OR counties OR reserv* OR compound* OR colony OR colonies OR encampment* )) ):ab,kw,jt,ti
consider ORing kibbutz* to commun*
(Rural* OR agricultur* OR wilderness* OR frontier* OR ((tribal OR tribe OR tribes OR native OR indian) AND reservation*) OR farmer OR farmers OR farming OR farm OR farms OR nonurban* OR "non-urban" OR remote OR outback* OR isolated OR "small town" OR "small towns" OR village* OR settlement*)
"remote" OR isolated can cause problems with irrelevant results. However, they work in some searches. The following "isolate ___" OR "remote ____" phrases may work better in some searches --
“remote area” OR “remote areas” OR “remote region” OR “remote regions” OR “isolated area” OR “isolated areas” OR "isolated region" OR "isolated regions" OR "remote location" OR "remote locations" OR "isolated location" OR "isolated locations" OR "remote site" OR "remote sites" OR "isolated site" OR "isolated sites"
In some searches the terms --
nonurban OR nonmetropolitan OR "non-urban" OR "non-metropolitan"
-- may be important. However, these may retrieve content concernign suburban areas.
“remote area” OR “remote areas” OR “remote region” OR “remote regions” OR “isolated area” OR “isolated areas” OR "isolated region" OR "isolated regions" OR "remote location" OR "remote locations" OR "isolated location" OR "isolated locations" OR "remote site" OR "remote sites" OR "isolated site" OR "isolated sites"
In some searches the terms --
nonurban OR nonmetropolitan OR "non-urban" OR "non-metropolitan"
-- may be important. However, these may retrieve content concernign suburban areas.
Depending on the search topic, the searcher may wish to OR in
--the names of native tribes and/or native peoples, e.g.
eskimo* OR "first people" OR "first peoples" OR aborigin* ...
-- terms for migrant laborers
migrant* OR
-- terms for other people groups who tend to live in rural settings
amish OR hutterite* ...
-- names of various farm animals, farm equipment, farm buildings, farm activities, crops, diseases associated with farming, (although depending on other search concepts, some of these might cause retrieval of an overwhelming number of irrelevant results)
urban -- keywords
(urban* OR metropoli* OR metropolitan* OR megalopoli* OR city OR cities OR city-dweller*)
Depending on the search topic, the searcher may also wish to OR in terms typical of city life "heavy traffic" OR smog OR crowding OR crowded OR overpopulated OR over-populated OR "heavily populated" OR "densely populated" OR industrial* OR factory OR factories
primary care -- keywords
("primary care" OR "family practice" OR "family physician" OR "family physicians" OR "general practice" OR "general practitioners" OR "general practitioner" OR pediatric* OR paediatric* OR "internal medicine" OR "personal physician")
Nurse practitioners and physicians assistants can specialize. However, if other search concepts specify remote geographic areas where specialists are less common, it might be safe to OR in terms for nurse practitioners and physician's assistants:
For another search, I composed the following rough draft search:
"Community Health Services"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Child Health Services"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Community Health Nursing"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Maternal Health Services"[Mesh] OR "Primary Health Care"[Mesh] OR "Primary Care Nursing"[Mesh] OR "Physicians, Primary Care"[Mesh] OR "preventive care"[tiab] OR "preventive healthcare" OR "preventive health care" OR "preventive medicine"[tiab] OR "primary care"[tiab] OR "family practice"[tiab] OR "family physician"[tiab] OR "family physicians"[tiab] OR "general practice"[tiab] OR "general practitioners"[tiab] OR "general practitioner"[tiab] OR generalist*[tiab] OR pediatrics[tiab] OR paediatrics[tiab] OR paediatrician*[tiab] OR pediatrician*[tiab] OR "internal medicine"[tiab] OR internist*[tiab] OR "personal physician"[tiab] OR paediatrics[tiab] OR paediatrician*[tiab] OR pediatrics[tiab] OR pediatrician*[tiab] OR gynaecologist*[tiab] OR gynecologist*[tiab] OR geriatrician*[tiab] OR gerontolog*[tiab] OR obstetric*[tiab] OR "prenatal care"[tiab] OR "perinatal care"[tiab] OR "post-partum care"[tiab] OR "maternal-child care" OR "pediatric nurse"[tiab] OR "paediatric nurse"[tiab] OR "obstetric nurse"[tiab] OR "geriatric nurse"[tiab] OR "pediatric physician assistant" OR "paediatric physician assistant" OR "obstetric physician assistant" OR "geriatric physician assistant" OR "yearly physical exam" OR "yearly physical examination" OR "routine physical examination" OR "routine physical exam"
non-surgical therapy -- keywords
I usually don't add a treatment concept to keyword searches when I'm trying to retrieve all relevant articles. I just select the treatment-related articles from among those retrieved by my other search concepts. However, today I ran into a search in which the amount of non-treatment related literature was just too overwhelming. So I've started a non-surgical treatment keyword list. Any suggestions for additions are welcome : - ). Of course some of the following are relevant for some searches and not for others. Drug names, drug class names would be needed to in many searches.
(treat OR treats OR treating OR treated OR treatment* OR managed OR manage OR manages OR managing OR management OR care OR caring OR cares OR cared OR "standard of care" OR "standards of care" OR "best practice" OR "best practices" OR "recommended practice" OR "recommended practices" OR therapy OR therapeutic OR therapies OR rehabilitat* OR exercis* OR aerobic OR anaerobic OR diet OR nonpharmacolog* OR non-pharmacolog* OR drug OR drugs OR medication* OR pharmacotherap* OR chemotherap* OR chaemotherap* OR dose OR doses OR dosage* OR administer* OR oral OR nasogastric OR inject* OR intraderm* OR intra-derm* OR subcut* OR intramuscular OR intra-muscular OR infus* OR parenteral OR intraperiton* OR intra-periton* OR intrathecal OR intra-thecal OR epidural OR inhaler* OR intranasal OR intra-nasal OR intraocular OR Intra-ocular OR "care plan" OR "care plans" OR protocol* OR guideline* OR algorithm* OR "standard order" OR "standard orders" OR compliance OR adherence OR noncompliance OR nonadherence OR non-compliance OR non-adherence OR comply OR complied OR complying OR complies OR adhere OR adheres OR adhering OR adhered OR adherent OR compliant OR "support group" OR "support groups" OR appointment* OR visit OR visits OR follow-up OR continuity OR "patient education" )
(treat OR treats OR treating OR treated OR treatment* OR managed OR manage OR manages OR managing OR management OR care OR caring OR cares OR cared OR "standard of care" OR "standards of care" OR "best practice" OR "best practices" OR "recommended practice" OR "recommended practices" OR therapy OR therapeutic OR therapies OR rehabilitat* OR exercis* OR aerobic OR anaerobic OR diet OR nonpharmacolog* OR non-pharmacolog* OR drug OR drugs OR medication* OR pharmacotherap* OR chemotherap* OR chaemotherap* OR dose OR doses OR dosage* OR administer* OR oral OR nasogastric OR inject* OR intraderm* OR intra-derm* OR subcut* OR intramuscular OR intra-muscular OR infus* OR parenteral OR intraperiton* OR intra-periton* OR intrathecal OR intra-thecal OR epidural OR inhaler* OR intranasal OR intra-nasal OR intraocular OR Intra-ocular OR "care plan" OR "care plans" OR protocol* OR guideline* OR algorithm* OR "standard order" OR "standard orders" OR compliance OR adherence OR noncompliance OR nonadherence OR non-compliance OR non-adherence OR comply OR complied OR complying OR complies OR adhere OR adheres OR adhering OR adhered OR adherent OR compliant OR "support group" OR "support groups" OR appointment* OR visit OR visits OR follow-up OR continuity OR "patient education" )
drug-related concept,
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Cotard Syndrome -- keywords
The following is an initial stab at this search. Another synonym for the condition is "Walking corpse syndrome." Unfortunatley, "walking corpse" isn't handled as a phrase by PubMed and (walking AND corpse) produces a group of irrelevant results.
cotard*[tiab] OR "delire des negations" OR "delire de negation" OR "delusion of negation" OR "delusions of negation" OR "nihilistic delusion" OR "nihilistic delusions" OR "delusions of nihilism"
adjunct condition/s:
"odysseus syndrome"[tiab] OR "nihilism by proxy"
cotard*[tiab] OR "delire des negations" OR "delire de negation" OR "delusion of negation" OR "delusions of negation" OR "nihilistic delusion" OR "nihilistic delusions" OR "delusions of nihilism"
adjunct condition/s:
"odysseus syndrome"[tiab] OR "nihilism by proxy"
mental illness
Monday, June 6, 2011
natural history -- keywords
I've found that articles on the natural history of a disease can be a bit tricky to retrieve. I have no comprehensive strategy for searching for such articles, but have run across a few useful phrases that are 'found' by PubMed. If anyone has other useful phrases/terms, I would love to receive them!
"natural history" OR "natural histories" OR "natural course" OR "natural courses" OR "natural progression" OR "typical course" OR "typical courses" OR "typical progression" OR "usual course" OR "usual courses" OR "usual progression" OR "expected course" OR "expected courses" OR "expected progression" OR "expected progressions"
"natural history"[mesh] refers to natural history as a field of study in biology, and, thus, is not useful. "Disease progression"[mesh] is sometimes useful.
"natural history" OR "natural histories" OR "natural course" OR "natural courses" OR "natural progression" OR "typical course" OR "typical courses" OR "typical progression" OR "usual course" OR "usual courses" OR "usual progression" OR "expected course" OR "expected courses" OR "expected progression" OR "expected progressions"
"natural history"[mesh] refers to natural history as a field of study in biology, and, thus, is not useful. "Disease progression"[mesh] is sometimes useful.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
How often are IV to oral administration changes, recommended as part of a pharmacist-managed program, implemented? --kewords
The strategy below was designed for EBSCOhost databases (PubMed will not handle all of the needed phrases). The strategy was designed to retrieve relatively comprehensive and relatively focused results (not an all out effort to retrieve comprehensive results):
("parenteral to oral" OR "parenteral-to-oral" OR "injectable to oral" OR "injectable-to-oral" OR "IV to oral" OR "intravenous to oral" OR "IV to enteral" OR "intravenous to enteral" OR "IV-to-oral" OR "intravenous-to-oral" OR "IV-to-enteral" OR "intravenous-to-enteral" OR ((inject* OR infusion* OR parenteral OR IV OR intravenous) AND (oral OR enteral OR "p.o.") )) AND (step-down OR "step down" OR stepdown OR conver* OR switch* OR steward*) AND ( pharmacist OR pharmacists ) AND (complian* OR comply* OR complie* OR efficacy OR efficacious OR effective* OR retrospective OR achiev* OR outcome* OR impact* OR evaluat* OR assessment* OR audit* OR accept* OR reject* OR follow* OR declin* OR agree* OR disagree* OR “go along” OR "goes along" OR “went along” OR object OR objects OR objected OR objecting OR refuse OR refuses OR refused OR refusing OR refusal*)
("parenteral to oral" OR "parenteral-to-oral" OR "injectable to oral" OR "injectable-to-oral" OR "IV to oral" OR "intravenous to oral" OR "IV to enteral" OR "intravenous to enteral" OR "IV-to-oral" OR "intravenous-to-oral" OR "IV-to-enteral" OR "intravenous-to-enteral" OR ((inject* OR infusion* OR parenteral OR IV OR intravenous) AND (oral OR enteral OR "p.o.") )) AND (step-down OR "step down" OR stepdown OR conver* OR switch* OR steward*) AND ( pharmacist OR pharmacists ) AND (complian* OR comply* OR complie* OR efficacy OR efficacious OR effective* OR retrospective OR achiev* OR outcome* OR impact* OR evaluat* OR assessment* OR audit* OR accept* OR reject* OR follow* OR declin* OR agree* OR disagree* OR “go along” OR "goes along" OR “went along” OR object OR objects OR objected OR objecting OR refuse OR refuses OR refused OR refusing OR refusal*)
Friday, June 3, 2011
gastric outlet obstruction -- keyword and MeSH
The search strategy below was designed to retrieve records focused on the topic of interest.
(((stomach*[ti] OR gastric[ti] OR pyloric[ti] OR Pylorus[ti] OR gastroduo*[ti] OR pyloroduoden*[ti] OR gastrojejun*[ti] OR antral[ti] OR antrum[ti]) AND (obstruct*[ti] OR block[ti] OR blocks[ti] OR blocked[ti] OR blocking[ti] OR blockage*[ti] OR stenosis[ti] OR stenoses[ti] OR stenotic[ti] OR stricture*[ti] OR web[ti] OR webs[ti] OR volvul*[ti] OR intussuscept*[ti])) OR "bouveret syndrome"[ti] OR pyloromyotom*[ti] OR pylorostenos*[ti] OR ((pyloric[ti] OR pylorus[ti]) AND myotom*[ti]) ) OR "Gastric Outlet Obstruction"[Mesh]
The title tags would have to be removed to be assured of more comprehensive (less focused) results.
(((stomach*[ti] OR gastric[ti] OR pyloric[ti] OR Pylorus[ti] OR gastroduo*[ti] OR pyloroduoden*[ti] OR gastrojejun*[ti] OR antral[ti] OR antrum[ti]) AND (obstruct*[ti] OR block[ti] OR blocks[ti] OR blocked[ti] OR blocking[ti] OR blockage*[ti] OR stenosis[ti] OR stenoses[ti] OR stenotic[ti] OR stricture*[ti] OR web[ti] OR webs[ti] OR volvul*[ti] OR intussuscept*[ti])) OR "bouveret syndrome"[ti] OR pyloromyotom*[ti] OR pylorostenos*[ti] OR ((pyloric[ti] OR pylorus[ti]) AND myotom*[ti]) ) OR "Gastric Outlet Obstruction"[Mesh]
The title tags would have to be removed to be assured of more comprehensive (less focused) results.
osteonecrosis of the talar navicular bone -- keywords
The following is an initial stab at this search topic.
(( avascular OR ischem* OR ischaem* OR osteonecro* OR necrotic OR necrosis OR necroses OR osteochondrosis OR osteochondroses OR osteochondriti* OR kohler*[tiab] OR koehler*[tiab] OR "Mueller-Weiss" OR "mueller weiss" OR muller-weiss OR "muller weiss" OR bipartite OR bi-partite ) AND navicular*) OR (((osteopathia[tiab] AND deformans[tiab]) OR "kohler's disease" OR "kohler disease" OR "koehler's disease" OR "koehlers disease" OR "mueller weiss syndrome" OR "mueller-weiss syndrome" OR "muller-weiss syndrome" OR "muller weiss syndrome" OR "Brailsford's disease") AND (tarsal OR foot OR feet OR ankle OR navicular*))
The following multi-word phrases were not found by PubMed and caused retrieval of irrelevant results:
"brailsfords disease" OR "brailsford disease"
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