Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Donepezil (therapeutic use) -- keywords and MeSH

(Donepezil* OR BNAG OR E-2020 OR E2020 OR “E 2020” OR ER4111 OR ER-4111 OR 120014-06-4 OR 142057-79-2 OR 120011-70-3 OR 142057-77-0   OR Adonep OR Aldomer OR Alizil OR Alkimus OR Alzaimax OR Alzancer OR Alzhedon OR Alzil OR Alzim OR Aricept OR Aripez OR Aripil OR Arypez OR Asenta OR Calofra OR Cebrocal OR Cogiton OR Crialix OR Cristaclar OR Damzipil OR Dazolin OR Dement OR Dilpeze OR Dizil OR Doenza OR Dolizi OR Donaz OR Donecept OR Donepes OR Donepex OR Doneratio OR Donesyn OR Donezil OR Donnox OR Donopez OR Donpethon OR Donzeimer OR Dopaben OR Dozept OR Dozilax OR Dozyl OR Endoclar OR Eranz OR Evimal OR Fincip OR Fordesia OR Fremptel OR Hania OR Landex OR Lirpan OR Memac[tiab] OR Memorit OR Oldinot OR Onefin OR Paxel OR Promemore OR Razil OR Redumas OR Symepezil OR Tolerdilan OR Valpex OR Yasnal)

The following multi-word terms were not found by PubMed and were removed as they were causing retrieval of irrelevant results.
"ER 4111" 

("donepezil "[Substance Name] AND ("Indans/therapeutic use"[Mesh] OR "Piperidines/therapeutic use"[Mesh]))