Sunday, May 22, 2011

hydroxyzine -- keywords

(Hydroxyzin* OR Hydroxizin* OR Hidroksizin* OR Antipru OR Antizine OR Trandrozine OR hydroksitsiini OR atarax OR diligan OR fasarax OR vatarax OR vesparax OR Masmoran OR Vistaril OR Hydroksitsiinihydrokloridi OR Hydroxizinhydroklorid OR Abacus OR Actadon OR Allerax OR Anxanil OR Atalog OR Atano OR Atazina OR Aterax OR Bestalin OR Calmoplex OR Cerax OR Coraphene OR Dalun OR Darax OR Difilina OR Asmorax OR Diligan OR Distonin OR Dolodens OR Dormirax OR Drazine OR Elroquil[tiab] OR Enarax OR Geratar OR Hadarax OR Hexafene OR Hidroxina OR Histan OR Histilos OR Hiszine OR Hixizine OR Hizin OR Honsa OR Hyderax OR Hydrophed OR Hydrox OR Hydroxin OR Hyzine OR Ictinal OR Iremofar OR Iterax OR Katrax OR Kombistrat OR Marax[tiab] OR Masarax OR Multipax OR Navicalm OR Neurax OR Nexit OR Opticardon OR Otarex OR Phymorax OR Polizine OR Postarax OR Prurizin OR Qualidrozine OR Quiess OR Rezine OR Serecid OR Somatarax OR Taraxin OR Ucerax OR Unamine OR Validol[tiab] OR Vistacon OR Vistaject OR Vistaquel OR Vistazine OR Xyzine OR Zinalerg OR antizine OR trandrozine)

The following hyphenated term and multi‐word, quoted phrase were not recognized by PubMed and were removed from the search statement to avoid retrieval of irrelevant results:
"AH 3 N"
"Theomax DF"
"Neucalm 50"

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