Friday, August 11, 2023

Artificial intelligence -- keywords and subject headings -- EMBASE

This search was constructed for a thorough, but still routine, literature search.  It was not constructed as the basis for a systematic review.   Search terms were derived from synonyms and narrower terms in the "artificial intelligence" and "machine learning" trees in EMTREE.  I excluded optical character recognition and synonyms from the search as I didn't feel that aspect of artificial intelligence was of interest to my search requester.  I removed phrases that contained a shorter phrase that was already present in my search (or attempted to do so).

(“artificial intelligence”/exp  OR “machine learning”/exp  OR (boltzmann* NEAR/2 machine*) OR (heuristic NEAR/3 (computer* OR algorithm*)) OR “aco algorithm*” OR “ai” OR “ambient intelligence*” OR “analytic hierarchy process*” OR “analytical hierarchy process*” OR “ann” OR “anns” OR “ant colony algorithm*” OR “ant colony optimisation*” OR “artificial bee colony algorithm*” OR “artificial general intelligence*” OR “agi” OR “artificial hallucination*” OR “artificial intelligence*” OR “artificial narrow intelligence*” OR “ani” OR “artificial nn” OR “artificial nns” OR “artificial super intelligence*” OR “asi” OR “auto-encoder*” OR “autoencoder*” OR “automated inference*” OR “automated reasoning*” OR “b-p ann” OR “back propagating artifical neural net*” OR “back propagation ann*” OR “back propagation nn” OR “back propagation nns” OR “backpropagation ann” OR “backpropagation anns” OR “backpropagation nn” OR “backpropagation nns” OR “bam nns” OR “bam-nn” OR “bamnns” OR “bat algorithm*” OR “bayes belief network*” OR “bayes network*” OR “bayesian network*” OR “bayesian-directed acyclic network*” OR “bbn” OR “bayesian belief network*” OR “bdn” OR “bayesian decision network*” OR “bam” OR “bi-directional associative memory network” OR “bidirectional associative memory network” OR “bidirectional associative memory nn” OR “bidirectional associative memory nns” OR “binary particle swarm optimization*” OR “blockchain*” OR “boltzmann machine*” OR “bp-ann” OR “bpann” OR “bpnn” OR “bp-anns” OR “bpanns” OR “bpnns” OR “cellular nn” OR “cellular nns” OR “cellular non-linear network*” OR “cellular nonlinear network*” OR “cgnn” OR “cgnns” OR “chaotic particle swarm optimization*” OR “cnn” OR “cnns” OR “cognitive computing*” OR “cognitive robotic*” OR “cognitive technolog*” OR “cohen grossberg network*” OR “computer heuristic*” OR “computer reasoning*” OR “connectionist model*” OR “connectionist network*” OR “connectionist system*” OR “convnet*” OR “convolutional ann” OR “convolutional anns” OR “convolutional artificial neural network*” OR “convolutional nn” OR “convolutional nns” OR “crdnns” OR “coupled reaction-diffusion neural network*” OR “cuckoo search algorithm*” OR “cvann*” OR “cvnn*” OR “dbm” OR “dbn” OR “dbns” OR “ddae” OR “ddaes” OR “decision support system*” OR “deep belief artificial neural network*” OR “deep belief network*” OR “deep boltzmann machine*” OR “deep denoising autoencoder*” OR “deep learning*” OR “deep neural network*” OR “deep nns” OR “delayed neural network*” OR “delayed nn” OR “dlayed nns” OR “denoising auto-encoder” OR “denoising autoencoder” OR “discrete-time nn” OR “discrete-time nns” OR “dnn” OR “dnns” OR “dtnn” OR “dtnns” OR “dynamic bayes network” OR “dynamic bayesian belief network” OR “dynamic bayesian network” OR “echo state network” OR “esn” OR “esns” OR “esnn” OR “esnns” OR “evolutionary algorithm*” OR “expert system*” OR “feed forward nn*” OR “feed forward nns*” OR “feed-forward artificial nn*” OR “feed-forwards network*” OR “feedforward nn” OR “feedforward nns” OR “ffann*” OR “ffnn*” OR “ffnns” OR “firefly algorithm*” OR “flann” OR “fnn” OR “fnns” OR “fractional order network*” OR “fractional-order complex network*” OR “functional link ann” OR “functional link network*” OR “functional linkage network*” OR “functionally linked network*” OR “gated recurrent unit network*” OR “gated recurrent unit*” OR “gated recurrent units network*” OR “general regression network*” OR “generalised regression network*” OR “generalized regression network*” OR “generalized regression nn*” OR “gravitational search algorithm*” OR “grnn*” OR “grnns*” OR “grossberg network*” OR “gru based rnn” OR “gru based rnns*” OR “gru network*” OR “gru neural network*” OR “gru-rnn” OR “gru-rnns” OR “grunn*” OR “hopfield network*” OR “hopfield neural network*” OR “hopfield nn” OR “hopfield nns” OR “hyper-heuristic*” OR “hyperheuristic*” OR “imperialist competitive algorithm*” OR “intelligent machine*” OR “intelligent retrieval*” OR “knowledge engineering*” OR “large language model*” OR “long short term memory network*” OR “lstm based rnn” OR “lstm based rnns” OR “lstm model*” OR “lstm network*” OR “lstm technique*” OR “lstm-based deep network*” OR “lstm-rnn” OR “lstmnn*” OR “machine intelligence*” OR “machine learning*” OR “machine reasoning*” OR “mcda*” OR “mcdm*” OR “memetic algorithm*” OR “memristive network*” OR “memristor nn” OR “memristor nns” OR “meta-heuristic*” OR “metaheuristic*” OR “mlp” OR “mlp-nn” OR “mlp-nns*” OR “multi criteria decision analys*” OR “multi criteria decision making*” OR “multi criteria optimization*” OR “multi objective optimization*” OR “multi-layer perceptron*” OR “multiattribute optimization*” OR “multicriteria decision analysis*” OR “multicriteria decision making*” OR “multicriteria optimization*” OR “multilayer perceptron*” OR “multilayer perceptron network*” OR “multilayer perceptrons network*” OR “multiobjective optimization*” OR “multiple criteria decision analys*” OR “multiple criteria decision making*” OR “multiple criteria optimization*” OR “multiple layer perceptron*” OR “multiple objective optimization*” OR “natural-language-processing*” OR “neural network*” OR “node layer*” OR “one-layer perceptron*” OR “partical swarm optimization*” OR “particle swarm optimisation*” OR “particle swarm optimiser*” OR “particle swarm optimization*” OR “particle swarm optimizer*” OR “particle swarm optimum*” OR “particles swarm optimization*” OR “pcnn” OR “pcnns” OR “pso algorithm*” OR “pulse couple network*” OR “pulse coupled network*” OR “qvnn” OR “qvnns” OR “radial basis function anns” OR “radial basis function ann” OR “radial basis function network*” OR “radial basis function nn” OR “radial basis function nns” OR “rann” OR “rbf network” OR “rbf network*” OR “rbf-ann” OR “rbf-anns” OR “rbf-nn” OR “rbfann” OR “rbfnn” OR “rbm” OR “rdnn” OR “reaction diffusion network” OR “reaction-diffusion nn” OR “recurrent ann” OR “recurrent anns” OR “recurrent nn*” OR “recurrent nns*” OR “resnet*” OR “rnn-gru” OR “rnn-grus” OR “rnn-lstm” OR “rnn” OR “rnns” OR “robotic process automation*” OR “simulated annealing*” OR “single layer feedforward network*” OR “single layer perceptron*” OR “snn” OR “snns” OR “software robotic*” OR “sparse auto-encoder*” OR “sparse autoencoder*” OR “spiking ann” OR “spiking anns” OR “spiking nn” OR “spiking nns” OR “stacked auto-encoder*” OR “stacked autoencoder*” OR “swarm intelligence algorithm*” OR “swarm intelligence metaheuristic*” OR “swarm metaheuristic technique*” OR “swarm metaheuristic*” OR “tabu search*” OR “tdann*” OR “tdnn” OR “technique for order by similarity to ideal solution*” OR “technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution*” OR “technique for order performance by similarity to ideal solution*” OR “technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution*” OR “technique of order preference similarity to the ideal solution*” OR “thinking computer*” OR “thinking machine*” OR “time delay nn*” OR “topsis”) 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Imatinib keywords

(Imatinib* OR 152459-95-5 OR 220127-57-1 OR STI571 OR STI-571 OR ST-1571 OR ST1571 OR CGP57148* OR CGP-57148* OR CGP-57-148B OR CGP-57148 OR CGP57148 OR Agacel OR Albitinib OR Alvotinib OR Celonib OR Clinid OR Datur OR Egitinid OR Fiximab OR Gemfatinib OR Genfatinib OR Gistamel OR Gleevec OR Glemyhib OR Glimatin OR Glitinib OR Glivanib OR Glivec OR Glivon OR Hemator OR Iglib OR Imadat OR Imagerolan OR Imagliv OR Imakrebin OR Imalek OR Imanivec OR Imanix OR Imat OR Imatenil OR Imatib OR Imatinova OR Imatis OR Imavec OR Ingerinib OR Kadir OR Kinacel OR Latib OR Lematech OR Leukovec OR Leutipol OR Leuzek OR Matin OR Matumib OR Maxinib OR Meaxin OR Mesinib OR Mesylonib OR Mitinab OR Mivesta OR Mytib OR Neopax OR Nibarid OR Nibix OR Philachromin OR Radivek OR Redivec OR Ritor OR Sanglee OR Sunmatin OR Survtyk OR Tagonib OR Telux OR Tibaldix OR Timab OR Vativio OR Vek OR Vianib OR XinWei OR Zeite OR Zeite OR Ziatir OR Zoleta) 

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Non-malignant disease of an organ

AND the terms below with terms for the organ of interest:

(disease* OR condition* OR disorder* OR pathol* OR syndrom* OR abnormal* OR disturb* OR dysfunction* OR hypofunction* OR function* OR insufficien* OR injur* OR damag* OR failur* OR ischem* OR ischaem* OR necro* OR inflam* OR infect*  OR abscess* OR sclero* OR fibro* OR agenesis OR dysgenesis OR anomal* OR atroph* OR hypotroph* OR aplas* OR dysplas* OR metaplas*  OR malform* OR deform* OR degenerat* OR cyst* OR edema* OR oedema* OR swelling OR effusion* OR torsion* OR stenos* OR stenotic OR obstruct* OR occlusi* OR ulcer* OR toxicity)

Consider ORing in names for the organ-specific conditions.  i.e.

(((organ_term_1 OR organ_term_2 ... OR organ_term_x) AND (disease* OR condition* OR disorder* OR pathol* OR syndrom* OR abnormal* OR disturb* OR dysfunction* OR hypofunction* OR function* OR insufficien* OR injur* OR damag* OR failur* OR ischem* OR ischaem* OR necro* OR inflam* OR infect*  OR abscess* OR sclero* OR fibro* OR agenesis OR dysgenesis OR anomal* OR atroph* OR hypotroph* OR aplas* OR dysplas* OR metaplas*  OR malform* OR deform* OR degenerat* OR cyst* OR edema* OR oedema* OR swelling OR effusion* OR torsion* OR stenos* OR stenotic OR obstruct* OR occlusi* OR ulcer* OR toxicity)) OR organ_specific_disease_name_1 OR organ_specific_disease_name_2 OR ... organ_specific_disease_name_x)

Use of a proximity operator is preferable to using AND when proxomity searching is available:

(((organ_term_1 OR organ_term_2 ... OR organ_term_x) NEAR/3 (disease* OR condition* OR disorder* OR pathol* OR syndrom* OR abnormal* OR disturb* OR dysfunction* OR hypofunction* OR function* OR insufficien* OR injur* OR damag* OR failur* OR ischem* OR ischaem* OR necro* OR inflam* OR infect*  OR abscess* OR sclero* OR fibro* OR agenesis OR dysgenesis OR anomal* OR atroph* OR hypotroph* OR aplas* OR dysplas* OR metaplas*  OR malform* OR deform* OR degenerat* OR cyst* OR edema* OR oedema* OR swelling OR effusion* OR torsion* OR stenos* OR stenotic OR obstruct* OR occlusi* OR ulcer* OR toxicity)) OR organ_specific_disease_name_1 OR organ_specific_disease_name_2 OR ... organ_specific_disease_name_x)

Friday, April 1, 2022


"deprescrib*"[Title/Abstract] OR "deprescriptions"[MeSH Terms] OR (("medication*"[Title/Abstract] OR "prescribing"[Title/Abstract]) AND "inappropriate"[Title/Abstract]) OR "polypharmacy"[Title/Abstract] OR "discontinu*"[Title/Abstract] OR ("withdraw*"[Title/Abstract] AND "medication*"[Title/Abstract]) OR (("medication*"[Title/Abstract] OR "drugs"[Title/Abstract] OR "prescribing"[Title/Abstract] OR "inappropriate"[Title/Abstract]) AND "reduc*"[Title/Abstract]) OR "inappropriate prescribing"[MeSH Terms] OR ("review*"[Title/Abstract] AND "medication"[Title/Abstract]) OR ("dose reduction"[Title/Abstract] OR "taper*"[Title/Abstract]) 

‘deprescrib*’:ab,ti OR ((review* NEAR/3 medication*):ab,ti) OR (((medication* OR medicines OR prescribing) NEAR/4 inappropriate):ab,ti) OR ‘potentially inappropriate’:ab,ti OR ((reduc* NEAR/5 medication*):ab,ti) OR ‘polypharmacy’:ab,ti OR ‘discontinu*’:ab,ti OR ‘withdraw*’:ab,ti OR ((reducing NEAR/1 (drug* OR inappropriate OR frid)):ab,ti) OR ‘polypharmacy’/de OR ‘medication therapy management’/de OR ‘dose reduction’:ab,ti OR ‘taper*’:ab,ti OR ‘drug withdrawal’/de OR ‘deprescription’/de OR ‘inappropriate prescribing’/de

Morel T, Nguyen-Soenen J, Thompson W, Fournier JP. Development and validation of search filters to identify articles on deprescribing in Medline and Embase. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2022 Mar 25;22(1):79. doi: 10.1186/s12874-022-01515-x. PMID: 35337283; PMCID: PMC8953136.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

infliximab - keywords and MeSH

Search terms were harvested gathered from the MeSH and EMTREE thesauri, from the CAS Registry and from Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference

"Infliximab"[Mesh] OR infliximab* OR infliksimab* OR  170277-31-3 OR abp-710 OR abp710 OR avakine OR avsola OR ca2 OR centnf OR flammegis OR flixabi OR gp-1111 OR gp1111 OR inflectra OR ixifi OR pf-06438179 OR pf-6438179 OR pf06438179 OR pf6438179 OR remicade OR remsima OR renflexis OR revellex OR ta-650 OR ta650 OR zessly

Monday, July 19, 2021

Rheumatoid arthritis -- EMBASE

'rheumatoid arthritis'/de OR 'adult onset still disease'/exp OR 'rheumatoid nodule'/exp OR felty*:ab,kw,ti OR 'stills disease':ab,kw,ti OR 'still?s disease':ab,kw,ti OR 'still disease':ab,kw,ti OR beauvais*:ab,kw,ti OR (ra:ab,kw,ti NOT ((((rosmarinic OR 'relative abundance' OR retinoic) NEAR/7 ra):ab,kw,ti) OR 226ra:ab,kw,ti OR '226 ra':ab,kw,ti OR radium:ab,kw,ti)) OR rheumarthrit*:ab,kw,ti OR reumarthrit*:ab,kw,ti OR revmarthrit*:ab,kw,ti OR (((rheumatoid* OR rheumatoid OR reumatoid OR revmatoid OR rheumat* OR reumat* OR revmat*) NEAR/2 (syndrome* OR disease* OR arthriti* OR joint* OR synovi* OR nodul* OR lung* OR vascul*)):ab,kw,ti)

Research instruments - keywords

 instrument* OR scale OR scales OR scor* OR index* OR indices OR questionnair* OR survey* OR tool* OR checklist* OR "check list*" OR inventor*

consider including:

measur* OR determination* OR evaluat* OR test OR tests OR "patient-reported outcome*"