Sunday, May 22, 2011

Alendronic acid (Fosamax) -- keywords and MeSH

("Alendronate/adverse effects"[Mesh] OR Alendron* OR Actimax OR Adronat OR Adrovance OR Aldrion OR Aldromax OR Aldronac OR Aldrox[tiab] OR Alefos OR Alehelm OR Alenat* OR Alendil OR Alendo OR Alendral OR Alendratol OR Alendris OR Alendro OR Alendrocare OR Alendrogen OR AlendroLEK OR Alendromax OR Alendros OR Alenic OR Alenwin OR Aleostito OR Alexonal OR Aliot OR Alovell OR Alxis OR Ampine OR Andante[tiab] OR Arendal OR Arthroplus OR Aurodren OR Carmotin OR Dronat OR Drovitan OR Genalmen OR Osteobon OR Berlex OR Bestalen OR Bifosa* OR Blindafe OR Blocan OR Bonacton OR Bonalen OR Bonalon OR Bonedron OR Bonemax OR Boniran OR Brek OR Caldronate OR Caltera OR Cleveron OR Dargol OR Debenal OR Defixal OR Delfoza OR Deparex OR Difonate OR Discozal OR DORyx[tiab] OR Drofaz OR Dronadil OR Dronal OR Dronalent OR Dronatex OR Dronatifer OR Elandur OR Eldinir OR Endronax OR Epolar OR Filxine OR Findeclin OR Fixopan OR Flamisul OR FORosa OR FORtimax OR Fosalan OR Fosalen OR Fosamax OR Fosandron OR Fosavance OR Fosazom OR Fosfacid OR Fosteofos OR Fostepor OR Fostolin OR Fosval OR Genalen OR Gendron[tiab] OR Holadren OR Lafedam OR Landrolen OR Ledronin OR Lendral OR Lendronal OR Leodrin OR Lindron OR Lozostun OR Marvil OR Massidron OR Maxibone OR Maxtral OR MinusORb OR MORalen OR Mosmass OR Nafadren OR NichospOR OR Nozat OR Onclast OR Osalen OR Osaston OR Osdron OR Oseotenk OR Oseum OR Ossmax OR Osso OR Ossomax OR Ostadil OR Ostaham OR Ostalert OR Ostemax OR Ostenan OR Ostenil OR Osteobon OR Osteodur OR Osteofar OR Osteofem OR Osteofene OR OsteofORm OR Osteofos OR Osteomax OR Osteomel OR Osteonate OR OsteonORm OR OsteORal OR Osteosan OR Osteotrat OR Ostolek OR Ostomax OR Pasodron OR Phostarac OR PORocalm OR PORodron OR PORosal OR Promax OR Ralenost OR Randronate OR Regenesis OR Rekostin OR Reyoin OR Ridon OR Riledron OR Romax OR Sedron OR Silidral OR Sinfract OR Siranin OR Synostep OR Teiroc OR Terost OR Tevanate OR Tilios OR Tivarun OR Tonadron OR Trabecan OR Vegabon OR VORoste OR Zondra OR Alendran OR AlendronHexal OR Apodrolen OR Beenos OR Denfos OR Fosagen OR NORvic OR Osdren OR Oseotal OR Ostalon OR Recalfe OR Alendronat OR alendronate OR Alendronato OR alendronas OR alendronatas OR MK-217 OR MK217 OR G70465 OR L670452 OR MK0217 OR AHButBP OR Natriumalendronaatti OR Natriumalendronat)

The following hyphenated term and multi-word, quoted phrase were not recognized by PubMed and were removed from the search statement to avoid retrieval of irrelevant results:

“G 704650”
“G 704650”
“L 670452”
"Alendil Calcio D"
"Bifoal Semanal"
"Dronalen Plus"
"Findeclin Combi"
"Fosamax Plus"
"Leodrin Plus"
"Regenesis Max"
"Silidral Plus"
"Vegabon Plus D"
"Aminohydroxybutylidene Diphosphonic Acid"

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