Friday, July 1, 2011

Outcome terms that may be useful for training program outcome searches

Below are some outcome terms that may be useful when searching for articles about the outcomes of nurse/staff orientation/training programs:

( simulat* OR  osce OR osces OR master* OR competen* OR test OR tests OR testing OR tested OR assess OR assesses OR assessing OR assessment* OR assessed OR measure OR measured OR measuring OR measures OR measurement* OR outcome OR outcomes OR satisfaction OR error* OR retention OR retain* OR sustain* OR maintain* OR turnover OR "program evaluation"[mesh] OR "personnel turnover"[mesh] OR "organizational objectives"[mesh] OR "attitude of health personnel"[mesh] OR "clinical competence"[mesh] OR "interprofessional relations"[mesh] OR "program evaluation"[mesh] OR "psychomotor performance"[mesh] OR "socialization"[mesh] OR "thinking"[mesh] OR "self efficacy"[mesh] OR "communication"[mesh] OR "job satisfaction"[mesh] OR "social support"[mesh] OR "evaluation studies"[publication type] OR "cost-benefit analysis"[mesh] OR "cost savings"[mesh] OR "adaptation, psychological"[mesh]) 

(simulat* OR osce OR osces OR master* OR competen* OR test OR tests OR testing OR tested OR assess OR assesses OR assessing OR assessment* OR assessed OR measure OR measured OR measuring OR measures OR measurement* OR outcome OR outcomes OR satisfaction OR error* OR retention OR retain* OR sustain* OR maintain*  OR turnover OR MH "program evaluation+" OR MH "personnel turnover+" OR MH "organizational objectives" OR MH "attitude of health personnel+" OR MH "clinical competence+" OR MH "interprofessional relations+" OR MH "program evaluation+" OR MH "psychomotor performance+" OR MH "socialization+" OR MH "thinking+" OR MH "self efficacy+" OR MH "communication+" OR MH "job satisfaction+" OR MH "Support, Psychosocial+" OR MH "cost-benefit analysis+" OR MH "cost savings+" OR MH "adaptation, psychological+") )