Saturday, April 20, 2019

CXCL10 keywords for EMBASE

Based on synonyms in MeSH and EMTREE databases and assuming hyphenated terms will retrieve hyphenated terms as well as those with spaces.   Created for EMBASE

CXCL10 OR  Cxcl-10 OR  ((CXC OR C-X-C OR cytokine) NEAR/3 (IP-10 OR IP10 OR ligand-10 OR B10 OR B-10)) OR gammaIP10  OR gammaIP-10  OR ((IFN-gamma-Inducible-Protein OR interferon-gamma-inducible-protein OR interferon-γ-inducible-protein OR interferon-inducible-protein OR IFN-inducible-protein OR IFN-γ-inducible-protein ) NEXT/2 (10  OR 10kda)) OR  IP10 OR IP-10  OR  SCYB10 OR 97741-20-3