Saturday, April 20, 2019

IL-8 keywords

Based on synonyms in MeSH and EMTREE databases and assuming hyphenated terms will retrieve hyphenated terms as well as those with spaces. 

IL-8 OR IL8 OR Alveolar-Macrophage-Chemotactic-Factor-I OR AMCF-I OR Anionic-Neutrophil-Activating-Peptide OR CXCL8 OR CXCL-8 OR CXC-chemokine-ligand-8 OR CXCL8 OR Granulocyte-Chemotactic-Peptide OR IL8 OR IL-8 OR Interleukin-8 OR Lymphocyte-Derived-Neutrophil-Activating-Peptide OR lynap OR Macrophage-Derived-Chemotactic-Factor OR monap OR neutrophil-activating-factor OR neutrophil-activating-peptide OR Neutrophil-Activation-Factor OR neutrophil-attracting-peptide OR Neutrophil-Chemotactic-Factor OR granulocyte-activating-factor OR granulocyte-activation-factor OR granulocyte-activating-peptide OR granulocyte-attracting-peptide